3| Plans Left Unmade

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"Seriously, why can't you just tell them?" Yoongi asked, exasperated and devoid of ideas.

They were sitting on Jeongguk's bed at 2 AM watching 'how to come out' videos. Most of them were basically just pep-talks and there wasn't much advice on how to actually phrase the sentence.

"I don't know," Jeongguk rubbed his face with his hands.

"You know what? Let's talk more about it in the morning. I think we both just need some sleep," Yoongi suggested, turning off the screen of his phone.

"Okay, you're right. Goodnight, Yoongs."

"G'night, Kook."

With that, Yoongi left the room and slunk down the hall to the guest bedroom. Jeongguk was left in silence. He turned towards his window, his face bathed in moonlight as he watched the stars twinkle. After a minute or two, he decided to go to bed.


Sunlight flooded into the room, causing Jeongguk to squint. He wasn't one for mornings. Unfortunately, it wasn't morning anymore so he had no excuse to go back to sleep. Glancing at his clock, he groaned.

A sudden knock on his door caused him to look up.

"Hey, Jeongguk!" Yoongi's voice rang through the air as he barged into the room. "Get your lazy ass out of bed, it's almost time for me to leave."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Jeonggul snapped, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and removing himself from the warmth of his blankets.

"I was asleep, too," He shrugged.

Jeongguk scoffed and shook his head, leading the way downstairs.

"You're such a hypocrite."

"You're such a whiney little-"

"Good morning, boys!" Came the cheerful voice of Queen Jeon, "Or should I say afternoon?" She added slyly.

"Good morning, your Highness," Yoongi replied, quickly fixing his composure.

"No need to be so formal. I've known you all your life, remember? I was changing your diapers before Jeongguk was even born!"

Yoongi sighed and rubbed his temples in embarrassment.

"Morning, mum," Jeongguk laughed and pecked her on the cheek.

"I told Jin to save both of you some breakfast if you want it," She informed them, gesturing towards the kitchen.

"Thank you," Yoongi murmured before making his way towards the kitchen.

"Thanks," Jeongguk repeated, following Yoongi.

They both entered the kitchen to find Kim Seokjin, the royal chef, mixing some dough. He looked up and smiled.

"Morning, boys! The queen had me save you some cinnamon rolls. They're in the refrigerator; I'll just warm them up in the oven for a few min-"

"Thank you, Jin, but we can use the microwave," Yoongi assured him.

"Nonsense! It's no trouble at all-"

"Jin, it's much faster to use the microwave. Thank you, though."

Jin huffed, muttering something about how the microwave would ruin the cinnamon rolls, but allowed them to do as they wished.


Yoongi ducked into the limousine, waving to Jeongguk.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to plan the thing we were talking about. Call me tomorrow and we'll see what we can do."

"Sure thing, Yoongs, I'll see you later."

With that, the sleek black car veered away.

"He should really higher a safer driver," Jeongguk muttered as he turned away.

"Oh, did he already leave?" Namjoon asked, walking up to Jeongguk, who nodded.

"Why? Did you need something?"

"The queen wanted to give him a cookie before he left," The prince's advisor informed him as they walked back through the courtyard.

"Oh, well, more for me, I guess," Jeongguk grinned.

Namjoon scoffed and walked away, heading back into the palace. As he went inside, a few of the guards came out. Jeongguk recognized Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung, realizing it was the same time as he'd seen them on their break yesterday. They were laughing and joking around, having a lot of fun, as it seemed.

He watched for a while longer, wishing he could have some sort of casual interaction with them. It would be cool to just walk up to someone and make friends, treating each other as equals. The problem was, Jeongguk was a royal- if he walked up to just anyone chances were they would bow excessively and be scared half to death throughout the entire conversation.

He didn't want to disturb them, he wanted them to keep having their fun, but unfortunately, they were hanging around the palace entrance. After a few minutes, they still hadn't left. So, Jeongguk decided to just sneak by unnoticed. A brilliant plan. He even did his best to walk like a commoner, despite the fact that he'd been taught to walk a certain way all his life.

This plan didn't work, though; they noticed him as soon as he walked up. Quickly quieting down, they bowed and stood at attention. The prince frowned but quickly flashed them the brightest smile he could muster.

"You all just continue, I didn't mean to ruin your fun."

His own sentence made him feel sad as he realized something; he could never go anywhere without ruining someone's moment. Every time he walked into a room the people would stop what they were doing and pay attention to him, even if what they were doing was far more interesting than his presence.

He longed to know what it was like to just be a nobody, to be able to slip into a crowd unnoticed and join the fun unquestioned.

But that would never happen.

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