8| A Forbidden Friendship

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The two had been talking for a long time, sharing experiences and finding that their lives- although contrasting- were not as different as either thought they must be. In the end, they were both teenage boys finding their path in life. Taehyung was happy to have gotten more comfortable around the prince, seeing him almost as a friend. But that was wrong. Of course, that was wrong. Taehyung was a knight and Jeongguk was the prince. They could never be friends.

"Ah, what time is it?" Taehyung asked.

Jeongguk glanced at his phone screen. He stared at it for a moment, eyes widening.

"Four thirty-six," He reported.

"Oh my gosh! I have to get my armor from the infirmary and get ready for work!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"First of all," Jeongguk began, putting his hands on his hips, "Work? I don't think so, you need to heal."

Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully.

"I've gotten worse in a friendly dueling match."

"I doubt it."

"I'll be fine."

"Taehyung," Jeongguk cried, grabbing the knight by his shoulders and looking intensely into his eyes, "You need to rest! You've been mortally wounded! What if you die?!"

They both laughed, mostly because of Jeongguk's dramatic tone. But in his distraction, Jeongguk fell off the bed and landed on the floor with a thump. This caused more laughter. After all, everything's funnier when you're sleep-deprived.

"Oh, lord, we're hysterical!" Jeongguk exclaimed as they both calmed down.

"Jeongguk," Taehyung gasped, "We need to get my armor."

"Right." Jeongguk agreed, wiping his eyes, "Come on, we have to be quiet when we go out."

"Aren't most of the bedrooms soundproof?"

"Most, not all," Jeongguk warned, "We can't risk waking someone."


They slipped out of Jeongguk's room and out into the corridor. They glanced at each other and snickered again, but did so quietly. They tip-toed to the staircase and made their way down. After a few minutes of barely-contained giggles, they had made it to the infirmary.

They stepped inside and closed the door to let out a bit of laughter. Exhaustion had turned to hysteria; both boys running on only adrenalin. Grabbing the armor piece, Taehyung's jaw suddenly dropped.

"I left the rest of it in your bedroom!"

Jeongguk's eyes widened.

"Shit! Okay, back up we go." The childish manner with which Jeongguk spoke his last sentence made them start to giggle again.

So, the two boys made their way back up the stairs. Unfortunately, by the time they had reached the top, another silent giggling fit was commencing. This caused Taehyung to drop the armor piece he was holding. Both boys fell into mortified silence as the crash rang through the corridor. Jeongguk grabbed the breastplate and looked Taehyung dead in the eye.


They sprinted clumsily back to the prince's bedroom, snickering the whole way. When they were safely inside, they both burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! I thought we were dead!" Taehyung cried, clutching his stomach as it was now beginning to hurt from all the laughing.

Jeongguk nodded, losing his breath and laughing silently, mouthing 'me too, me too.'

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