19| Emotional Support Circle

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A spoonful of delicious-smelling soup hovered next to Taehyung's lips. The boy was propped in a half-upright position, leaning on a couple of pillows.

"Please eat, Tae, you need your strength to fight the sickness," Jeongguk pleaded.

The prince was cross-legged next to Taehyung's body, shoes discarded on the floor. One hand held a neglected spoonful of soup, the other was intertwined in Taehyung's hand. Taehyung huffed a tiny sigh- about as much sass as he could manage with the amount of strength he had left- and let his lips part slightly. Jeongguk smiled and rested the spoon of Taehyung's bottom lip, tipping the contents into Taehyung's mouth. He managed around six more spoonfuls until Taehyung turned his head away.

Jeongguk sighed, putting the spoon to rest in the bowl with a small 'clink' noise.

"Has he eaten?" A whisper came from the cracked-open door.

"A bit," Jeonguk replied, glancing at Jimin.

The man nodded and disappeared again.

"Jeonggukkie, my tummy hurts," Taehyung whined.

Jeongguk darted across the room and grabbed a small trashcan from the corner.

"Need this?" He asked, frantically holding it up.

Taehyung shook his head. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jeongguk set it down and took a seat again.

"Cuddles." Taehyung made grabby hands at Jeongukk.

Jeongguk chuckled and slid under the blanket. laying next to Taehyung. Bodies pressed together, both let out an internal sigh, contentedness flooding their minds, as relieving as the first drops of spring rain. Jeongguk cradled Taehyung in his arms, frowning at the feverish heat the sick boy gave off.

They stayed like that for a good while, and somewhere along the way, Taehyung fell asleep.

Jeongguk was half-asleep. He had no idea how long it had been. Unfortunately, he was unable to fall completely asleep before a knock at the door brought him back into reality. The reality he didn't want to live in. The reality in which he could not even associate with Taehyung, much less cuddle him and take him on adventures. 

He slipped out of Taehyung's weak clutches, ran a hand through his hair and moved into a sitting position on top of the blankets.

"Yes?" He called softly, trying not to wake Taehyung.

Jimin opened the door and looked over the room.

"Ah, he's asleep," The short male commented, his small feet carrying him farther into the room.

"Yep," Jeongguk murmured, looking down at Taehyung's peaceful form.

"Well, the remaining soup must be cold by now. I'll take it away," Jimin decided briskly, stepping towards the nightstand, ready to whisk the contents away.

Jeongguk smiled, amused.


Jimin stopped and looked at Jeongguk.


"Why don't you stay with Taehyung for a moment, eh? I'll take the soup into the kitchen."

Jimin's eyes widened a bit, but he composed himself quickly. With a stubborn shake of his head, he advanced to the edge of the nightstand. His movements were so full of confidence that only his eyes betrayed his reluctance.

"I couldn't ask you to do such a thing, your Highness, I-"

Jeongguk stood and grabbed the bowl before Jimin could touch it.

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