5| Breaking the News

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The sound of Jeongguk's custom ringtone for Min Yoongi was what awoke the prince from his sleep. Groaning, Jeongguk looked at the caller ID, even though he knew who it was.

'Bipolar Bitch' was what the screen read. Jeongguk chuckled at the name. Swiping the 'accept' icon, he brought the phone to his ear.


"Hey, so, I've got an idea."


"Well, the start of one, anyway."

"Well, continue."

"So, first of all, tell them to cancel the upcoming selection."

"I've told them to before, but they insist I need to find a wife."

"Tell them you're gay."

Pausing, he considered this.

"Just tell them? As in, 'Hey Mom, hey Dad, I know I'm supposed to marry a princess and then have an heir but I'm gay so that won't happen'?"

"Just say it bluntly. 'I am gay'," Yoongi explained.

Jeongguk ran a hand through his hair.

"Okay, I guess I'll try... but what then?"

"Go get yo' self a man."

The way Yoongi had said it made Jeongguk laugh. He sounded like he was from southern North America.

"I can't just bring a man home and tell them I want to marry him."

"Sure you can."

"Yoongi," Jeongguk stated, "Let's be realistic here."

Yoongi's breath crackled through the speaker and the sound of blankets ruffling filled the line for a moment.

"Alright, fine. Just ask them to have a selection of men instead."

Again, Jeongguk was silent for a moment of consideration.

"I guess that could work to start the conversation, but... I don't like the idea of a selection."


"Well... I never thought it was a good system; you just can't decide you want to marry someone based off a summary and a look at their face. What if you end up hating each other?"

"Yeah, your kingdom is a little old-fashioned. It may be time to just abolish that rule."

"I will when I'm king if I can't convince Father to do so."

"So, what are you gonna do?"

"Tell them to just stop the selection, I guess. I'll be honest with them about my main reasons why; I don't believe in it and I don't like women. If they don't kill me I'll call you and tell you how it went."

"Sounds like a plan. Good luck, Guk."

"Thanks. Talk to you later, Yoongs."

With that, Jeongguk pulled the phone from his ear and ended the call.

With a sigh, he got out of bed and went to his closet to choose an outfit. He wanted to go for a business-casual look. That way, when he asked to speak with his parents, they'd take him seriously.


The prince knocked on the door of his parents' bedroom, hoping they'd be inside. It was Friday, and typically the royal family awoke later on Fridays. It was just an unspoken rule and no one really knew the reason, nor did they question it.

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