25| Here's to His Unhappy Future

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Taehyung had been asked to leave.

Jeongguk sat on the edge of his bed, facing his mother, as she sat in his office chair. She waited a few moments to be sure Taehyung was gone. 

"I need to tell you something," She began, smoothing down her dress. "But before I do, you need to tell me something first."

Jeongguk cracked his knuckles, listening to the pop of each individual finger.

"That's quite vague, mother. Care to elaborate?"

"I do," she nodded. "What I want to know is: are you seeing Taehyung?"

Jeongguk paused. He knew this conversation would come eventually. He hadn't expected the rush. Things never slowed down, did they?

"Yes," He replied. "I am. We've been seeing each other for a few days now." 

"A few days?" She raised her eyebrows. "Is that so?"

Jeongguk rubbed the back of his neck.

"That is when we made it official," He explained.

"I see." She looked to her right, seeing a small figurine on Jeongguk's desk. It was a little metal soldier, rifle across his chest, standing at attention. She took it between her fingers, examining it. "Your father spoke to me the other day. He said he'd been in a bit of a pickle lately, as he'd encountered a problem. And he made up his mind."

"Does it regard me?" Jeongguk bit his lip.

"I'm afraid so. You see, when you came out to us, we wanted to support you. We were so focused on the future of our son that we did not take into account the future of our kingdom." She crossed her legs and folded her hands around her knee. "The simple fact is, our kingdom needs an heir. And a man cannot produce one for you." 

Jeongguk's heart was hammering.


"For this reason, he has decided to prohibit you from seeing anyone."

The prince stared at his mother as if she were insane.

"You can't be serious."

"It's for your own good, Jeongguk." She wouldn't meet his eye. "If you got married to a woman after having been dating a man, it would break your heart and his. I'm afraid I'm going to have to move Taehyung back to his old position of guarding the gates. You'll receive a new bodyguard in a few days."

"You're saying I'm not allowed to see him anymore?" Disbelieving, Jeongguk scoffed.

"Your father has made up his mind. You are not to speak to him from this day on."

"My father, huh?" Jeongguk growled.

"It's for your own good." The queen still wouldn't meet his eyes.

"If his goal was to keep my heart intact, he failed."


"I'm nineteen years old, what makes you think I need your protection?"


"Where is he now?"

"He's busy."

"Too busy to speak to his fragile son?" Jeongguk sneered.

"You are in no place to show me any disrespect. I am not only your mother but I am your queen. And as your queen, I stand by the king."

"I am the future king," Jeongguk argued. "And as your future king, I refuse to back down."

The queen eyed him carefully.

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