Being a King 101

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This is where I will set out all the kingdom's rules to being a King. I will add some and edit things as the story progresses, so please refer back if you feel that you need to. This is to keep readers from being confused about certain rules or traditions of the kingdom. Please note that these are all made up rules that I have set for the kingdom in this book and may differ from the laws of other monarchies. Also, some of these may never come up in the story but I myself would like to be able to refer back to this in case they ever do.

List of rules for Kingship:

One: Every King must have a Queen

Two: Every King must have an heir

Three: The firstborn son of the King and Queen is to be their heir unless further discussion rules them unable

Four: Heir to the throne must marry by the age of twenty-one

Five: The King and Queen must approve their heir's marriage
Side note: This is why most royal marriages are done via selection; all women placed as choices in the selection are approved and it is therefore much easier to go through with the marriage.

Six: If the heir does not choose a wife by the age of twenty-one, the King and Queen are to select one for them.

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