17| Advising the Advisor

290 17 6

To celebrate 50 followers, I will be posting 3 chapters today. Love you guys~


When Jeongguk awoke, it was still raining. Taehyung was holding on to him like a koala to a tree, hugging him in a warm embrace. The knight's face was buried into Jeongguk's shoulder. 

The prince smiled at Taehyung's puffy face, using one finger to move a strand of hair from the knight's face. He studied Taehyung's features; long eyelashes, sharp jawline, round cheeks, plump lips that were parted slightly. And then the moment was ruined by a knock on the door. Of course. Jeongguk turned his gaze to the door, eyes hardening into a glare.

"Jeongguk?" It was Namjoon's voice. He sounded gruff. "Jeongguk, are you in there?"

Not wanted to disturb Taehyung, Jeongguk whipped out his phone and sent Namjoon a text.

Can you shut up? I'm busy

You've got some nerve to talk to me
like that when you've already
fucked up so bad


How did I fuck up?


I'm coming in


Too late dipwad

The door opened, revealing a red-faced Namjoon. He stepped in and closed the door behind him. Upon seeing the two guys curled up together on the bed, he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Are you fucking serious? What, did you come home from your little rain adventure and then have sex or something?"

"What? No! We're just cuddling, Namjoon. Who the fuck got your panties in a wad, anyway?"

Namjoon crossed his arms. His eyes darted briefly to Taehyung, who was stirring, before focusing on Jeongguk again, ignoring the prince's bodyguard altogether.

"I just finished paying off some son-of-a-bitch news reporter to not release pictures of you and Taehyung in a coffee shop together and fooling around in the rain together. Don't you know how dangerous it is to give people this kind of material?" He threw a bunch of pictures into Jeongguk's face.

Sputtering, Jeongguk brushed them away and picked up a random one. It was a picture of him leaning over the table at the coffee shop, hand on Taehyung's hand, noses merely three inches apart. His eyes widened. Another picture showed them laughing together, Jeongguk pulling Taehyung by the wrist as they ran through the rain.

"Oh my god... I- I didn't mean to make it look like..."

"Well, you did, dammit."

Taehyung was waking up now. He stretched and looked around. First to Namjoon's angry glare, then to Jeongguk's horrified daze, finally to the pictures scattered across the sheets. Getting a closer look at the photos, he, too, became mortified.

"Look, guys," Namjoon sighed, bringing a thumb and forefinger up to rub his temples. The redness of his face subsided and he closed his eyes. "I know the ranking system sucks... believe me, I know. But listen... Royals and nobles do not mix with the lower ranks. Is that understood?"

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