24| Caught Warm-Hearted

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a/n: Hello, my beautiful readers. It is nearing my time to say goodbye. I will complete this story – there are a few chapters left – then leave Wattpad. It is unfortunate, but life goes on. I might need another week or so to finish, though, so I suppose my disappearance won't be quite so sudden.

I appreciate you beyond your knowing. All my love xx

When Jeongguk woke up, the first thing that caught his attention was the gentle fingers stroking his hair. Then, he noticed the smell of Taehyng's cologne, not too pungent, barely there. And Taehyung himself; the lazy smile on his face, sparkling eyes- the galaxies- his aura of safety.

"Good morning, Jeongguk."

The prince whined and reached up to rub his eyes, clumsily bumping his hand into Taehyung's hip on the way. 

"How long did I sleep?" Jeongguk's voice was deep, groggy. Taehyung giggled.

"I don't know; I was asleep, too."

"Oh." Jeongguk looked around for his phone. It was on his nightstand, so he rolled away from Taehyung to get it, earning a grunt in protest. The screen burned his eyes. "It's four in the afternoon."

"That's not too bad."

"Better than four in the morning, I guess."

Taehyung struggled to sit up, rolling his neck and shoulders.

"Feeling better?" He asked, glancing down at Jeongguk's figure.

"Yeah, mostly. Still a bit achy."

"Achy where?"

"Stomach and head."

"Poor thing," Taehyung sighed and ran his fingers through Jeongguk's hair.

It was a comforting action. Jeongguk closed his eyes, leaning into the touch, then wrapped Taehyung in an iron grip, pulling the knight to his chest. That was all he wanted in that moment- to hold Taehyung, to never let go. He hummed contentedly, burying his nose into Taehyung's hair.

"Jeongguk, we should get up now," Taehyung told him gently.

Jeongguk wrinkled his nose at the thought. However, before the prince could protest, there was a knock on his door.

"Who is it?" He called groggily.

"It's your mother, Jeongguk."

"Come back in ten minutes."

"Gguk, we need to talk."

"Give me ten minutes," The prince insisted, getting annoyed.

"Can I at least come in and see you?"

She didn't wait for a reply as she opened the door. And there, in the bed, entangled in each other, was a prince and a knight. The queen didn't seem quite as surprised as she should've been. Just a moment of hesitation, then a nod to herself, and a cautious smile.

"How are you feeling?" She asked casually, approaching them.

Taehyung was frozen in fear, and feeling this, Jeongguk held him tighter.

"Fine." Jeongguk made sure to meet his mother's eye with a cold stare. The truth was, he was a little scared.

"Well, that's good, dear. I'll get Jin to whip up something fast so you both can eat. Would you like me to bring it up?"

Jeongguk was surprised, to say the least. Confused, too- eyebrows furrowed, cold gaze melting into guarded curiosity. Perhaps the queen was no threat. 

His Knight | TaeggukWhere stories live. Discover now