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I am Hal, which is short for Halcyr. And yes, I'm aware it's a weird name but it's mine and I'm proud of it. Where I am, it's winter and snowing. It's coming down in such a big sheet that it's pretty comparable to a comforter in the way that you can't see jack shit through it. I am in my garage which is right next my house and the big door is open and I have a light hoodie on. The snow has started to pile right where the garage opens to the outside world. 

 The snow clears up just enough that I can see to the end of the driveway and I see this big and burly looking man standing at the end of it. I walk over to him to ask him if he's okay and ask him what he's doing standing at the end of my driveway. 'He kinda looks like Commander Mormont from Game of Thrones,' I think to myself. He turns to then look at me. He is wrapped in furs from head to toe and has a coat of woven, black feathers on top of it all, he also has a spear that's taller than his seven foot self and seems to emanate pure light from it. I gasp in surprise. Where his left eye should be, there's a cavity instead, a cavity of tissue and bone that no longer has any aesthetic purpose. I say stupidly, " I'm sorry sir, you seem to be missing an eye." He laughs and he tells me, "Yes child I'm aware. I purposely do not cover it so that people know what I have suffered." I look at him all different kinds of confused. He says to me with a hint of disappointment in his voice, "Really child? I thought you would've figured it out by now." Suddenly all the wheels in my head stop turning as something clicks into place. "Odin." I murmur completely astonished. 

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