Sleepy Time

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"Well, I did some research and discovered that a sword has four basic parts; the hilt, the pommel, the guard, and the blade," TJ says through the Iris message that I set up. "And you already have the hilt, yeah?" "Yes," I say dismally. "Although, it doesn't look like it has anything to do with the legendary King Arthur that wielded the blade that once was Excalibur." "That may be the case, but it still is part of Excalibur. Regardless, you still have three other parts to find. And remember, ..." "I know I know, 'The less choices made, the more people lost.' Please don't try and lecture me on the very prophecy I was issued," I plead. "Okay love, I won't." "Sorry, what was the name you gave me?" I ask, trying to make him nervous. It worked. "Oh, umm.... Was it not okay? I'm sorry. I really shouldn't've said that. I'm sorry Hal." And he prattles on for 30 seconds more about how sorry he is and how he shouldn't have said 'love' at all, much less a name for me. I finally stop him because he didn't get that I was just teasing him about it. "Jesus love, it's okay. I promise you. I kinda like it, therefore, I'm stealing it from your not-so-British ass." He laughs then, he blushes deeply and he stutters out, "O-o-okay. G-goodnight Hal! Please be careful! I would like you to be in one piece when you get back." Awwww! Does wittle TJ miss me?" I question even though I know the answer. "I promise I'll see you soon TJ. Goodnight!" And just as I swipe my hand through the  bowl, I hear something that sounds like a 'Love ya! ' but it must've been a part of my imagination. I mean, I love him too but I've been too shy about saying it outright. Although I can't  say why because I don't know why. I set the bowl of water beside the bed and Mystri laps it all up and I go to sleep. 

I wake up at the ass-crack of dawn the next day, I pack up camp with Mystri by my side in her original form. I drill a little with Oblivion and as I remember a book I once read titled Graceling, I recall that Katsa, the main character, was proficient with every weapon known to humankind. Granted she got help from her Grace (which isn't what she, or the reader, or the people of her own world, think it is), but I make a goal to do the same. I thrust forward with Oblivion and slash up, a move that I've done before, a portal opens oddly. It looks as though the atmosphere around it was truly ripped apart. I don't see anything on the other side of said portal. I get into a defensive and partially offensive stance and slowly walk through. I step into the Hotel Valhalla lobby and say a silent thank you to Odin. I take the elevator to floor 19 and walk to TJ's room and unlock it with the key the hotel staff provided me with. I walk in and shut his door behind me. I silently creep over to his bed and he bolts upright and almost screams, I clamp my hand over his mouth and he calms down. "I told you I'd see you soon didn't I?" He nods. I lightly lay him back down and I walk over to the other side of his bed and lift up the covers to crawl in next to him and fall asleep and to hold him close too. I give him a kiss on his forehead and he holds me just barely tighter than I hold him and we fall asleep just like that.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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