Setting Out

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I pack my bag of JUST essentials; canned food, a shrunken camp/ sort-of-RV-thingy (a gift from Blitzstone, I only combined their names because of time's sake. Totally not because I'm still a fangirl and ship the two.), literal thousands upon thousands of every currency imaginable, and Oblivion. As I move to leave my room to say goodbye to everyone, I'm greeted with a major surprise. Odin, Frigg, Frey, Freya, and more have shown up to say goodbye and wish me good luck. Odin gives me a hug and whispers "Goodbye. I hope you make the right choice to come." "Could you be any less cryptic dad?" I jokingly whisper back. "I could but I can't make you aware otherwise you very possibly try to prevent what might happen. And we can't have you screwing with fate right?" "Right."

I turn to exit the place that is Hotel Valhalla and walk out on to an empty green plain that has incredibly worn brown ruts next to the gravel-and-dirt road. I start to walk along the road when suddenly, Oblivion grows to be at least thirteen feet long. I get what it's telling me and start to jog and then break into a run. Then, I tilt the bottom to intersect with the ground and pole vault, without letting go of Oblivion. I turn sharply and repeat the process and hope I'm going the right way. Eventually, I get to a little rundown town and discover a mass murder in the center of the town.  "Oh sh**. I think I'm going to be sick." I say barely able to keep my lunch in my body rather than out. Once I'm sure that I have control over my stomach, I look around. I see people frozen and then half shattered, "slice'n'dice"-ed, hung with a noose, and other various and bloody ways to die. 

Suddenly, I hear a guttural growl that could only be a hell hound. I turn and look to find a wolf just as big but with icicle fur and wisps of steam coming off, and as blue as the bag of 'Lukewarm Ranch MLGtriangles'. Oblivion shrinks back to a size suitable for me to wield and I have this incredible urge to throw it as hard as I possibly can, so I do. I charge it and it just sits there and growls at me. Once I cross half the distance between us I stop moving and realize that it hasn't moved since I've shown up. Then, it walks to me at an incredibly slow pace and I start walking to the ice-hound. Soon enough, we get as close to each other that this scene reminds me of How To Train Your Dragon where Hiccup finds Toothless and Hiccup holds out his hand. That's exactly what happens here only with an ice-hound instead of a dragon. This ice-hound is just as big as Tim Burton's Bandersnatch from Alice In Wonderland, to say the least, it was HUGE. I want to give it a name, but I don't know what. 

Oblivionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن