My 'New' Place Of 'Living'

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 The blonde turns to face me looking immensely confused, "Um... Look I don't think you're supposed to be here, but I'm not gonna pretend that you aren't supposed to be here considering that spear you are carrying on your back. " 

"Are you, by chance, the Magnus Chase?" I ask silently fangirling. "Who's asking?" " I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name is Halcyr. You mentioned my spear, I decide to name it 'Oblivion', but it was given to me by Odin." "Follow me," Magnus demanded. "Okay..." I murmur nervously. I didn't need to, but I did anyway mainly because it's Magnus FUCKING Chase! "How's Alex doing?" I ask nonchalantly, as I'm trying to play it off that this is all happening. "Um... she's good. How do you know who she is?" "Let's just say I did my research." 

He lead me past Hunding the bell hop, and into the giant-as-all-helluva dining room, He announced, "Here's the living person Odin mentioned. Her name is Halcyr and she carries the spear he mentioned as well. He said that we were to accommodate all of her needs and to treat her as one of our own, that means training her too." "Even all the 'to-the-death' activities?" I whispered in his ear, suddenly scared. "Yes, even those too." He said all too serious. 'This is so very unlike him,' I thought. 'He is typically much more lighthearted than this.' 

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