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I heard some light yelling and I just thought it was Magnus and Alex trying to argue quietly. It just stopped, and I heard two sets of footsteps walking down the hallway. I didn't think anything of it and I fell back asleep. 

I wake up again sometime later. I look at the clock as my eyes are ready to work, but my brain doesn't want to even start and it takes me a while to read it and it 9:00 am. I get up and grab the cold cup of tea that I didn't finish last night and my brain wakes up a bit more. I get dressed, put on my coat and walk out to meet the rest of our group at café 19. I relax, but I am also slightly disappointed that I don't see the daughter of Odin as she's supposed to be here and she's, well, not. "TJ are you okay?" I'm shaken out of my daze as Magnus asks me. "Where's Halcyr? Isn't she supposed to be here?" I question. "She's out training. Why?" Mallory queried back at me. "I just wanted to see her, that's all." I lie as I feel my face warm. "TJ, we know you like her considering your entire face blushed instead of just your cheeks. AND considering yesterday too." Alex chimed in. Everyone else looked utterly surprised. "Oh, was I not supposed to tell him that we know? Oh well." She told the group. "Which room is she in?" I murmur more to myself than anything. "The last of the private rooms," Magnus replies, with the same amount of discretion, he only heard it because he's the only one next to me that could've.

I raise the sledgehammer and move to swing as I decide that I want to decimate the entire row of straw dummies. I lower the sledgehammer and start to turn. After I've been spinning for 1.5 - 2 seconds. I start to let the momentum carry me to continue on down the row of dummies and every one of them that I hit, they explode upon impact. After the fact, I realize that I had to lower myself to the floor. Meaning, I was freaking HOVERING AS I WAS SPINNING. Just then a certain incredibly sweet and kinda cute civil war soldier decided to walk into the room. "Hey, I was just wanting to check in." He says and his face was turning a faint shade of pink mixed with the natural color that he is. "Hey, I'm tired and hungry beyond all Hel." I say silently cursing myself for being so awkward. "Well, do you wanna get something to eat?" I looked to my trainer as she silently and barely nodded, signaling that I was free to go as if this were a kind of prison. I look myself up and down realizing that I had planned for my trainer to rush me out of my room, and that means that I was still in that sports bra and the emerald green sweat pants I wore to bed. "I would LOVE to, however..." I hesitate. "'However' what?" He asks, worried. "Can I change out of my pajamas?" I ask. He then proceeds to blush very lightly, and he then laughs, "Yes, you totally can." 

She slings her spear, Oblivion, across her back with the point down as per usual. She then proceeds to start to walk out the door. I jog to get ahead of her to open the door for her. "Oh so chivalrous TJ!" She compliments me. "Thank you, ma'am, I can look okay in my pajamas, but you look stunning," I say as I simply toss a compliment back. "You're too kind. Oh, I made you something! It's in my room." "Okay..." I replied confused. We walk the rest of the way to her room in silence. We finally get there, and she opens the door and walks inside her room, leaving the door open and then she turns to look at me. Gods, she's absolutely gorgeous. The way her hair is pulled back into a 'messy' ponytail and some of the loose strands frame her perfect-looking face with her fierce and tired emerald green eyes that match her sweats, and her perfect nose that looks kinda dainty. Her lips, gods her lips. Luscious,  the perfect shade of red, and parted ever so slightly in the middle. The rest of her was shiny with sweat and yet she smelled just as sweet as she always did.  "Aren't you coming in?" She questions. "Y-yeah. I'm coming." I walk in and shut the door behind me. As I turn around, her back is to me, Huh, there's no straps anywhere on her back. She turns to catch me staring, I turn around so that I am now facing the door. I hear her giggle very quietly to herself. "Okay, I'm not shirtless and you can turn around," she declares. She got changed out of her pajamas and into a t-shirt dress that was the exact same colors as her walls. Gods, I'm about to go out with this girl. No, she's not a girl, she's a woman. "I feel underdressed," I say. "Don't," she says. "You look perfect to go out." She says. And, I swear, her cheeks just gained another shade of pink that seemed under the blush that she lightly dusted on.

I walk away from him to the woodworking station/ area and return to him with a vase of purple heart and dark walnut. "Thank you for yesterday. That meant a lot to me." "No problem." He says as he takes his gift. "This is beautiful. You did this by hand?" "Kinda, I made it on a lathe, otherwise it would be an asymmetrical lump." He laughs. 

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