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I wake up and get dressed. I remember the room clerk person telling me that breakfast was a thing until ten o'clock. It's about nine thirty when I get done changing and I get my stuff packed back up. I put the vials in the side pocket that would hold my water bottle and they fit snugly. I inspect my ring that the Norns gave me and find a segment on the bottom of it that has two small slits in it, indicating that the bottom third of the ring is a button. I push it and a suit of what seems like Tony's nano armor from Avengers: Infinity War starts to spread up my arm, across the chest and back, down the legs and the other arm, and up and over my head. It's pitch black to the point that it seems to absorb the light from around me, I feel a rush of strength and every sense feels sharper and improved to a godly level. The armor itself is a suit of plate mail but yet it feels like my regular clothes. This is a godly suit of armor! And as a gift too? The Norns are now my favorite oracles that exist. I think, in awe, to my self. Even the gloves are plate too! They remind me of the daedric gloves from Skyrim. This is great because I now have a suit of armor that can protect me in battle. I see a symbol in the middle of my chest of two scythes crossed over each other with the tips of their blades pointed to the other. I touch it to feel the embossed design and the armor grows back into the ring and has not changed although it feels pretty warm as if it requires a cooldown. 

I finally, after about six minutes, leave to get me some food. Myctri comes too and people are giving her food like yesterday. I hurriedly eat so we can get moving because I have a hunch to travel in such an odd direction. She just looks at me and I just smile at her. I get up, pay for my breakfast, and leave because nothing was attacking me, therefore, not deterring me from doing so. I run till the little town cannot see Myctri transform. She does, allowing me to hop on and lay stomach-down on her back telling her to continue at a brisk enough pace. I keep my eyes peeled the entire time, not exactly sure what to look for, but I feel that I'll know it when I see it. 

We are about to stop for a third break when I see this bright light. I urge her forward so that she may start sprinting, and she does. Meanwhile, I activate my ring. The armor encases me in its material and I pull Oblivion off of my back. We get there and I see this oddly hooded knight in his armor and he appears to be in the middle of a ritual. I see Excalibur laying on a flat-topped rock in front of the knight and I rush forward. The armor makes no noise as I sprint and somehow he knows that I'm coming. He stands up, grabs Excalibur, and dodges me all in one swift motion as if I was anticipated. I run past him but not before I clip his breastplate with the edge of Oblivion. I can see his face since he is only hooded. He looks like a blonde stereotypical Frenchman from any Monty Python movie, but more specifically, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He's got cold blue eyes, wheat-colored hair, and his armor is a matte grey. He is still chanting, probably to finish the ritual. He moves excruciatingly fast. He says to me, as I manage to make our weapons clash together and we hold them there, "You will never have the power because it is too much for one human to handle alone. You can't control Death. No one can!" He spat out Death as if the name had been poisoning him until he let it out.

He darts back. I charge at him, spearing him in the chest and Oblivion breaches the other side, but not before he mutters the one last word that completes the ritual and then there is a blinding flash of light as my opponent disappears and taking the blade of Excalibur with him, but not the handle. The handle clatters to the ground and it ages back to when the metal was rusted. I release the armor so that it can start the cooldown. I pick up the handle gingerly and inspect it. The main part of the handle is a spiral of wood and metal, while the pommel is rounded and larger than the bottom of the wood and metal spiral part of the handle. It has a lion's head masterfully carved into it. The end where the blade should be is a jagged and rusted edge where the blade has been broken off. "S***!" I yell. 

I now have time to look at my surroundings. I'm standing in, what appears to be, a dried lake bed. There are no animals or any other kind of wildlife on the bed. I walk back over to Myctri and I put the handle in my bag, and Oblivion right on my back. I'm tired, sore, and hungry. I still have that stationary RV thing in my pocket, I pull it out and look at it for instructions. On the bottom, I find them, "Place with this side to the ground/ surface this will be on and say 'svella'. 'Svella' is the old Norse word for 'rise'. I follow the instructions that Blitz kindly left for me. It shakes a bit and then it expands. I open the door, grab a drachma (as I said, I grabbed thousands upon thousands of every currency) and a bowl. I fill the bowl with water and say the words of "Oh Fleecy, please do me a solid. Show me TJ, please," trying to be polite since she hadn't told me that I could use those words. The water shows me TJ as I'm moving to sit on the bed. 

He seems to have not noticed the little window that would be on his side. He's just pulling down his pajama shirt on and just as his head is about to go through, I yell "TJ!" He yelps and falls down. I laugh so hard that my stomach starts to feel sore. "You scared me." He says to me like a toddler. He stands up, "Mission accomplished," I wheeze through my laughing because my little prank was a success. His ears and face peek through the collar of his white t-shirt looking like Beavis when he's the great cornholio. His cheeks and the bridge of his nose look like a mix of melted chocolate and cherry syrup from a Valentine's Day cordial cherry. Embarrassed, he hurriedly fixes his shirt. "So, how are you?" I ask. "Embarrassed, and sad." "Why are you sad?" "Because you aren't here Hal," he says like the dork he can be. I laugh to hide the blush creeping across my face. "You sappy child," I tell him. "How are you?" "Tired, sore, and mad." "I get the first two, but why mad?" I tell him about my day and the battle with the weird mage/ knight person. "That hamster!" I recognize the insult from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I laugh because I use the slightly more explicit version of the insult a lot. 

We chat some more and I tell him that I wish he was here so we can cuddle and fall asleep

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We chat some more and I tell him that I wish he was here so we can cuddle and fall asleep. I blush furiously while doing so and he blushes just as much as he gives his reply of "I do too." We say goodnight and I end the Iris message. I set the bowl beside the bed and Myctri, back in her German Shepard form,  drains the bowl of its contents and jumps up next to me and we fall asleep with her head next to mine, again. 

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