Demon/ Dragon Babies

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"That's my name, don't wear it out." "But you're THE Odin. " I exclaim, still astonished that this is happening to me, of all people. "Yes child, I am. Now, take what's in my hand," He says as he holds his right hand out. "But it's emp-" "I said take it!" He thunders. And as I'm about to, my vision does this weird thing. I suddenly am able to see everybody's spirit and a ghostly silhouette of their body. And in his right hand, there is this giant pole of what appears to be this purple wood. And as I stare, it seems to be absorbing like the light and everything else around it as if it's feeding on it. I grab said staff and it easily towers over me. Then my vision quits doing that spectral thing and Odin has vanished. 

 I then hear this noise that sounds suspiciously like the flapping of wings. I look up and it appears to be this bipedal humanoid with scales and wings that's just as oddly dark as the pole of wood. It would seem as if a demon and a dragon had a child and this was the product. I don't try to fight it instead I turn and run. I have never run so fast carrying anything in my life. Keep in mind that I am at least 5' 6", this staff was easily as tall as Odin making it 7 feet tall. 

Suddenly I  feel something shift in my hand and as I look, the staff shrinks and grows cold, turning from wood to this odd space-black metal. It also has a blade sprouting from the end of it, making it a 5 foot spear. The blade is easily a foot and a half long though, and has some leather wrapped around it for a grip as well as a strap that spans the entire length of the grip making it so I can sling the spear across my back diagonally, point down. All the while this is happening I'm still running for my dear life. The THING that's chasing me is no longer flying, but running and it was gaining ground. Mysteriously, it got ran into by a version of itself but lighter ,and seemingly, better. It's more like it's trying to help me, instead of eat me. I get away from it eventually as I kept running and running not even to stop and think about what the Hel happened.

Eventually, I ended up at this small tiny little building that you would've completely missed, had you not known the way to get there, or stumbled upon it. On the front of it has the letters H.V. and it would appear that there's not any way to get inside just by walking around its perimeter. I jump ten feet, oddly this was normal for me though because I didn't  question it because I was told it was a gift from my dad. Anyways, I jump again and land over the wall surrounding it and find this startlingly blond haired kid in the green shirt and jeans with their back to me.

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