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"When the once imprisoned blade is had, the fourth horseman bade, no longer 'bad'..." She said ice cold.

"Choices must be made, alone, once the 'mass migration' is born again." Male number one says in a gravelly voice. 

"The fewer choices made, the more people lost." Said male number two in a voice smooth like chocolate and deep like the ocean.

I woke up drenched in sweat and tears just starting to move down my face. What was that? Was that a prophecy issued by 3 different deities?  I write it down before I forget and inspect it. I know of all four horsemen; Famine, War, Pestilence, and Death. Death is the fourth and rides the Reaper. I must find out what this means and investigate more. After that, I look at the clock to see what time it is. The clock reads eleven thirty and I wonder as to why I wasn't woken up for training. I look at my calendar and I see it's a Wednesday, My one day off and I get a dream prophecy. Great. I think to myself sarcastically. 

I immediately get up and leave my room and wake up the others and tell them all to meet me in café 19. They all sit down except for TJ, he stands next to me looking very worried. I explain why I brought them all here and their eyes grow wide as they wake up more like I had given them each a caffeine pill and it was just kicking in by a slow release. 

Magnus looks at me and says in a tone that has a razor-sharp edge "That first one was Hel, the Norse goddess of the dishonorable dead. I met her and she was horrid." Halfborn spoke up and addressed the entire group, "We are dealing with more than one mythology here. The last one is Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead, and I know that because of Carter and Sadie's written records." Every one of us looked at him with awe and fear. What happened next utterly surprised me,  "The second one was Thanatos, the Greek/ Roman god of the dead. He's kind of like a dark angel and the 'Grim Reaper' combined," TJ tells us all. "How do you know that? Did you have an encounter with him?" I ask, thoroughly concerned. "Not recently, but it was the night before I died. I felt this cold presence over me and I woke up enough to realize that it was a god hanging over me. 'It's not his time, but soon. Also, this one isn't part of my domain.'  He said more to himself than to me, however, it still chilled me to my bones. Little did I know that my time would've been the next day. It scared me and I couldn't get to sleep that night." "I'm sorry that you went through that TJ," I say with my voice full of sympathy for him and what he went through. All of the racism and people beating him senseless for so many things that he can't control. 

"I just had to tell you all before I forgot and not hiding it from you guys," I say. "And while we thank you for that, we would've preferred to have slept in." "Yeah, you guys can go back to bed. I'm going to go to the library. See what I can dig up." Mallory, Halfborn, Mag, and Alex go back to their rooms. TJ, however, stays here with me. "Aren't you going to back to bed TJ?" "No, I'm going to go with you to help you." "But-" he holds a finger to my lips, consequently, silencing me. "I am going with you," he says to me adamantly. "Okay." I say, relaxing, knowing that I will have someone to go through all of this with.

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