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As I ride Myctri, (pronounced 'mystery' because she is such a mystery to me as to how she survived in a such a summery-kinda area and not died is an enigma to my brain) we are moving on to the next town and we spot signs of living people. I quickly dismount Myctri as the town comes into sight. I see Myctri cover herself up in a mist that even fools demigods and she comes out of it looking like a German Shepard with grey fur and still blue eyes. 

We walk into the town and people ask me, in a thick Irish accent, if they can feed her 'scraps'. I tell them to be careful, but that they can go ahead. However, people were giving her exactly half of what they were eating and I now understand how she survived out on the green plains that Ireland has plenty of. Suddenly, I see this wider entity that is significantly taller than the surrounding people. I walk toward it slowly to see if it's friendly. It turns out that it isn't. It looked at me, snarled, and charged. Coincidentally, people just happened to move to make a kind of battle lane where they stay out of the way of the Jotun that's charging me. I swing Oblivion off my back and prepare to throw it, but I wait till it is a little closer. It gets in range and I hurl Oblivion as hard as I possibly can, it flies at the speed of an expert throwing a knife, you don't even see it fly but then you see it hit the target. Once it strikes the giant, tentacles of absolute darkness lash out and make other monsters, not just visible, but kills them too (except for Myctri). 

I gather what the Greeks and Romans call 'spoils of war' from each and every monster. From the giant I get two vials, one is oddly warm and the other one is coated in frost. I think that the vials are liquid fire and frost. I uncork the vials and let exactly one drop from each hit the ground, and I was right. The liquid fire is the same tint of blue as gasoline but once it hit the ground, it combusted into a blue flame and kept burning even though it was on the stone that was the ground. The liquid frost was milk-white and it hit the ground and put out the fire and then frost starts to spread out from there about a centimeter in diameter. I realize the amount of potential that they both have, cork them, and put them in my pack. I try to retrieve Oblivion like the Marvel Mjollnir by holding out my hand and instead of flying to me, it just teleports to by hand in a poof of incredibly violet shadow like a summon spell from Skyrim. And while I am a bit tired, it feels more powerful as if it ate the souls of the monsters that it killed. I find a place of which  I can sleep for the night that allows pets aptly named HTAP (Hotel That Allows Pets). 

I rent a room for a relatively decent sum of money and I am given my room key, not a card like in most hotels/ motels but an actual key. The room I'm using for the night is number 42, 'Yay. I get the answer to life, the universe, and everything, and yet I'm on a quest where people are sure to die,' I think to myself. I settle into the room and it has a bed for Myctri but she doesn't use it, she instead gets up on the only human-sized bed in the room and lays down. She waits for me as I don't bother to unpack my clothes or anything else that I have. I get out a change of clothes and go to the bathroom to take a shower. She is waiting for me on the bed in the living room of this rented space. I lay down on the bed next to her and she readjusts so that her current German Shepard head is laying on the pillow next to me. I smirk at her and she gives me a kiss on the nose. I am missing my buddies in Valhalla, especially TJ. I remember the night we went on a date and I kissed him, and how in that moment, I was shaking from the anticipation of doing having kissed him. I fall asleep remembering all of this as if it happened a few minutes ago.

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