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"This is a new era. A new generation. A new world. Where humans no longer exist. They were a failed attempt to perfection from the start. We are now Stainless. Pure, flawless, intellectual beings."

I. We shall not talk, read, or spread news about the old human ways.

II. There shall not be any same sex relationships as for they are immoral.

III. There will not be any mistakes in the creation of New Stainless people as for there is no childhood.


I turned the tv off. I didn't understand why we couldn't see what the humans did before us. I mean we can't be influenced to do wrong. It's not in our code.

I was in charge of creating Jack Avery. He was a requested Stainless and I have spent years and years creating this design. I wanted it to be very stylish,attractive, and very much filled with humor.

As I finished last final touches he was complete. Jack Robert Avery was complete.

I opened the chamber and realized something was wrong.

"Jack? Jack? Do you know who I am?" I called his name, but he did not respond. He fell in my arms and he had a look of shock in his eyes. I tried to take a knife to his arms to see if this was really what I thought this was.

I barely added pressure to the blade and sure enough it cut him and a deep red liquid seeped out.

Oh no.... Stainless are not supposed to bleed.. That must mean-

"Glitch! Glitch there's a glitch on the loose! I watched as they took the girl she was about the age of a 20 year old human and they shot her with the stun gun and took her to the back room to do whatever they do in there. That was what they did to glitches...

And I just created one.

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