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"What are these things following me? They are so ANNOYING!!" Jack exasperated as he tried to ward off the bugs. Jonah looked at Zach as he was supposed to give Jack the bug spray. As they argued, Jack was frozen with fear as a rattlesnake was clearly irritated by his presence.

"Zach really? look at him! He is covered in bug bites. Jack suddenly fainted as the allergic reaction to the bites took over. Or so they thought. Zach screamed as Jack started to seize rapidly.

" Jack! Shit!! you know who we have to go to. "

They arrived at the door steps of Anna Seavey. They plopped him down as she got wind of what happened she began to remove the venom.

Just hold on buddy.... She is gonna be a great help to you.


I watched as she moved around the room grabbing things to make me feel better. I saw a family photo on the dresser and it as a family of 6.

" What a lovely family. " I limped to the photo and picked it up. My hand was not functional and I ended up dropping the picture frame. She came running in the room getting very pale.

"I am so sorry I didn't mean to drop it I thought my hand would be able to function by now. " I apologized over and over as she cleaned up the glass.

"It's fine... I really miss them that is all." I mouthed to myself not wanting to ask any further but she knew I had questions.

"Go ahead. While you are here you can ask about them."

" How many do you have? Are all of them living? " I was hoping that was a complete 6, but it wasn't.

" There is only 4 of us now. The one son died in a house theft gone wrong and he accidentally shot my son. The other little boy there. He went missing, he always had a comfort buddy. But when they found his remains.... " She started to get choked up.

"I'm sorry for your loss. I never knew what was like to grow up with parents since we don't have parents really where I am from. " I sniffed at the thought of growing up alone.

" It was a sad since he was not that old when he went missing. A sweet little boy that was so smart. I miss him all the time. " She sobbed in my shoulder

"What was his comfort buddy?" She pulled out a picture of a bear. I studied it and dropped the picture.

" What is wrong? " I heard her call as I felt my mind snap. Everything was coming back to me.

"Where am I? " I feel sad and unsafe in this place. I was just taking Blauwjte for a stroll in the woods when I saw a butterfly. I couldn't get it when I saw a group of people running towards me.

I tried to get away but they grabbed me.

"Let me go! Let me go!!" I tried to bite them but their skin hurt my teeth.

"You belong to us little boy. You'll make a nice one. " They put a bag over my head and I screamed from the top of my lungs. I broke free and ran as fast as I could with Blauwjte still in my grasp. I tripped and went off a cliff and hit my head so hard. As I ran I screamed one thing..
" Mamma! "
" MAMMA! " I stopped reminiscing and was snapped back to the real world...

I grabbed the bear in my bag and gave it to her. "

"Mijn kleine jongen..." She sobbed holding me tightly

" Your baby boy is finally home Mamma. " I whispered kissing her head.

Wow the tea in this one.... See how the town and fam think of this...

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