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I woke up to Jack crawled up in a ball on the bed next to me. I was hesitant, but I gave him a slight kiss on the forehead. Ok felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist as I tried to get out of the bed.

"I don't understand the human ways and why they are so needy." I tried to pry his clammy fingers from my midsection but I could not. I did not want to break the Glitches' fingers. " I will break your fingers if you don't let go. " He immediately let go of my waist and I continued to get ready.

"I don't want to be alone here. It's scary." He mumbled snuggling in my pillow.

"You have Daniel to keep you company. " I nodded to the room down the hall.

He went in there and after a short while came back clearly upset.

"You didn't tell me that Daniel was a computer. And why can't I go outside? This place is boring. "

I was done trying to reason with him and headed to work.


I was creating the designs for more Stainless today when I got a notification about the random Glitch check from Daniel. I raced home and found the front door was open and Jack was no where to be found. The authorities were closing in on my house. My hard drive was in overload as I tried to locate Jack.

"Jack? Jack? Where are you? This is not a time for games!" I screamed his name and I found him outside blowing bubbles and trying to get the bubble to surround the white tulips so they "float"away.

" Corbyn the flowers won't float away like they did in the show I watched today. " He whined as it failed again. I grabbed Jack and I took him to his basement and quickly changed into pajamas. The authorities knocked on my door. I "woke" up again and I answered the door.

"Hello, how can I help you today? "

"We are for our Glitch check today." The authorities stepped into my house and continued to check the house for any sign.

I felt the stress rash from the overload hard drive creep and grow worse on my neck. I saw from afar Jack opening the basement door which was undetectable if closed all the way. I signaled for him to close it. Jack did as he was told and it fell with a slight thump and did not close all the way.

"Mr. Besson what's in the basement?" The one man said pointing to the floor board.

" Ummm..... "

This is it Jack. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you....


So everyone knows for future chapters....

-------«·.·»-------- = Corbyn's point of view.
……{°.°}…… = Jack's point of view

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