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I walked slowly through the green stuff. I read about it and I think that I am in a forest. I wasn't sure and I could feel my joints tightening with every step. I was failing in this new environment.
But I was not about to lose Jack here even if it's the last thing I do...

"Jack? Jack? Are you there?" I called his name softly hoping I would get a faint answer.

I sat on a rock and took in the beautiful scenery. The sounds were beautiful. I felt my eyes close and open as I fought sleep. I wanted to cry. This was what they hid from us, Jack was right all along that there was something truly out there. I felt all of a sudden, something grab me from behind and take me in the bush.

I fought my way as much as I could but it was no use. I could feel the larger creature pushing on my chest and I could hear my main frame and exoskeleton crushing underneath it's large feet. I screamed for help as it slowly squished the life out of my body. My eyes had hurt so bad as they too were pushing out of my body.
I screamed Jack's name and no answer. I didn't know why when I could ask for anyone's help. I just really wanted Jack to be here. I closed my eyes for the last time and whispered the poem Jack wrote for me and I felt it was hopeless but it was worth a try. Nothing happened as I felt the creatures' feet go all the way through my body.

Jack please find someone who loved you like I did..



was a bit skeptical but I heard screaming in the distance. I ran quickly to go see who was in trouble. I found the closer I got the quieter the person became. I found to my dismay when I arrived at the scene. The person was a Stainless. I personally did not like them but I had to help him. He was still muttering something. Which was a good sign and I took his scraps and collected him as for this would be a good project to work on. I like the way the boy's face looked he was so precious. Like a baby that was sleeping. I was hoping he was the one....

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