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"I think if you want to survive, you better come out here all of you! "The rioting crowd agreed with the others and hoping that we would do what they said.

I gave my mom a concerned look hoping that I this is not a mistake. 'go's she mouthed and I opened the door slowly and they pulled me out and shoved me to the ground.

"There is only two options you have. You give him up to them or We kill him and if he resists then you will too." The look on my sister's face after Connor's father threatened her brother and family. The fighting got worse and I couldn't take it I could feel the rash coming back.

"I'm not giving him up after finally getting my son back!"

"Saskia! you know very well what he is and that he is a threat!"

" It doesn't matter what he is he is still and always be my son! "

"Enough! This is my fault! My decision! Not a single one of you bastards are going to tell me or my family what they gonna do about me!"

"But what about me?" Jack's voice quivered behind me. I turned to see his face full of hurt.

I stood there mulling it over in my head. I know that they only want me and that's final.

3rd POV

"Stop always being the one to sacrifice yourself! It's not cool. I knows for sure there is going to be someone who will sacrifice themselves for you just you wait!" Jack hugs him tightly as he cried into his shoulder. Corbyn takes his head and kisses it.

"I love you Jack. I will protect you until the very last star in the universe goes out."

"Just come back in one piece okay?"

" I will. Oh and take care of Blauwjte if anything happens."


I ran to where the Mayor wanted me to be and so I felt my heart race as I took a seat. The question I was dreading fell form her lips.

"What were you doing beyond the city walls? "

I tried to think of a good explanation for it but nothing really came to my mind.

"I was you know trying to explore the places and I stumbled upon this outside world and I decided to explore the place." I watched her face turn into a wide smile and with that I knew I messed up big time.

"Funny you should say that because you weren't programmed to be able to see what lies beyond the wall. That must mean that something or someone tapped into your third eye."

I felt like I had to escape, but there was no way I could.

"Show me the chip. Give it to me! "I tried to get away but they grabbed me before I could do anything. They grabbed the memory chip in my throat that held the infamous scar.

She put it in the computer and went through my memory files and her eye were wide as she stumbled upon all the memories of Jack.
I felt her hand come in contact with my face it hurt since it damage the facial structure a little.

"You're a traitor!" She acted all offended. I couldn't believe her...

"I'm the traitor?? You kick people out because they didn't chose to be perfect in your eyes. I can't believe I created these people to put out rot."

" That is it take him away. Arrest this traitor! "

I'll be okay Jack I will call you. Something...

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