Chapter 2

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Loud ringing jolts me awake, my body immediately jumping up. My thoughts swirl around in my mind, confused, before I realize it is my alarm. I reach over, turning it off, and hoping it didnt wake everyone else. Five thirty. Perfect timing, I can get my exercises done and eat before I get to the store. I stand slowly, my bones popping and cracking, causing a soft groan to leave my lips.

Quickly, I get my morning routine done and over with, small beads of sweat dripping from my forehead. I wipe my skin off from a nearby rag, before tossing it to the side. It lands on the edge of the bed, before ever so slowly falling to the ground in a sad lump. I sigh, shaking my head and getting dressed. I have to clean later anyways. Ill get it then, I mutter to myself, grabbing my wallet and heading downstairs. I shove the leather into my pants pocket, the portable container sinking deep into the fabric. A bag of apples sit on the counter, their red color shining from the artificial light of the kitchen. I grab one, biting into it, causing it to crunch and crack. Juice runs from the bite and down my chin, making me quickly wipe my chin before it can drip to the floor.

"Now, where is a bag?" I say through a mouthful of sweet fruit. I smile, finding a durable enough duffle bag. Heading outside, my dog tags hit each other as I walk. On to the nearest hardware store, just on the edge of the closest town. It takes me about 30 minutes walking there, which I can argue is part of my exercise, since Dad wants us to run a mile on our days off.

I take my time walking, with no rush to reach my destination. If my timing is correct, they shouldnt be open by the time I get there anyways. So, why not enjoy the view of Autumn? Fallen leaves crunch under my boots, a slight chill to the air. Thankfully, I tucked the bottom of my military fatigues into the boots, not letting any cold in. I dont mind the lower temperatures of fall and winter, and actually, I dont get cold, except for my feet. But whose feet dont get cold? I toss the finished apple core to the side, it falling into a ditch. Something will eat it, probably a deer or a wild rabbit, if they havent already started hibernating.

"Damn, I should have gotten some gum before I left", I mutter to myself, before shrugging. Oh well I begin to whistle to myself, bored as I take another look around. So beautiful...

"Military man, hm? Tell me, how does it feel to work for such dishonorable race?" Im shaken from my thoughts, a gruff voice speaking to me. I turn around quickly, seeing a large, dark blue monster, only a foot or two taller than me. He has fins on the side of his head, with one large one running down the center of his head, black accents of skin in between each bone. Its...hes,  I correct my thoughts, a fish monster. "Oh", he mutters, "My apologies, a military woman." I stare at him for a moment, before glancing to side, seeing a well hidden trail, one that I hadnt seen before when I had walked by. In fact, I hadnt even heard him walk up. I would think he would be heavy-footed, seeing how his stature is quite large, compared to me at least.

"I...Do you live back there?" I ask, curious, and pointing to the path. His yellow eyes follow my finger for a moment, before he nods.

"Yes, its secluded enough for me and my fiance," he replies, before turning his attention back to me, his short, black hair being blown to the side by the breeze. "And again, I ask, how does it feel to work for such a dishonorable race?" I furrow my brows, taken aback by his question.

"Each race has their defaults. Dont act like monsters are pure angels," I say, growing slightly defensive of my less-than-desirable human counterparts. He laughs, er, scoffs, shaking his head.

"Monsters arent causing any problems. Its you humans and always trying to start fights." His words make me freeze. He has a point. Tension has been rising between the two sides, yes, mainly due to human negativity reaching all the upper ranks. We wouldnt go too far, though. Right? Certainly we know a line is drawn, just like in all instances. We wouldnt cross it. Right? "I can tell by your expression, you dont know. Havent you noticed the increased hostility towards monsters? Just down the road, in the town, a monster family lives peacefully. Just yesterday, they were attacked, by the ones you call friends."

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