Chapter 7

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Once again, as we enter the compound Nathan and I are instructed to go into the large metal building. The one we used for our ever so important meeting the other day. Lieutenant Stein stands at the front once again, this time alone. In his hands is a piece of paper, two creases separating the paper into three equal sections. Father stands to the side, hands behind his back as he waits for what Stein is about to state. As the other soldiers file in and stand with their respective platoons, he begins to talk. Oh, how can I describe that voice? That annoying voice that I still haven't gotten out of my head. Egotistical and slightly high pitched. He hasn't even reached General status yet and it has already blown up his head twice its original size.

"General Reaver has given me instructions as far as what to do with the mages here. As I call your name, please come to the front and stand in a line," he begins to read off names, alphabetical by last name of course. As he closer and closer to the 'R' section of the list, my breathing stops, hoping he doesn't call my name. "Corporal Samantha Rulli." Sure enough, there is it. Despite my constant answers of 'no' at annual check ups if my magic has developed yet, they continue to count me as a mage. It's all because of this mark. This damned mark that gives me nothing but the tag of a defect. Even among the other mages I don't belong. I have seen what some of them can do.

The stronger ones, ones that have had their magic since they were about three or four, can perform feats that rivals the magic of monsters. Others, the weaker ones that hadn't had their magic for as long as them, can only do small things. Small energy shields that can only cover a part of their own body, which interestingly enough shows the symbol of where they truly belong, for example a family crest. Some of us, not many, can grab the soul and reveal it. Like I did with Grillby's soul in the diner.

About twenty to thirty of us stand in two neat lines, Lieutenant Stein looks us over. "Don't worry. There will be more of you all to train with. A select few of you will go around the town today and find all the mages. Anyone over eighteen must join. Sixteen and seventeen may volunteer." I have always hated that rule. Nathan got into the army at sixteen, but only for short periods of time during the day. He still had school work to do, but as long as you meet some type of honor roll, the military will take you in. "Now, we know little about souls but we do know this, of each mage their soul is completely white in the center. Science thinks it is because of the magic, since monster's souls are white and we all know how well they can perform magic. I know it is rare, but can any of you perform a soul grab?" My heart stops for a split second at his question. 'Just keep your hand down and don't say anything. You can explain later that you have no magic and that it was a mis-'

"Sir, I know Corporal Rulli can perform it. I have witnessed her do one before on a monster," a soldier speaks up behind me. No doubt it was Flanagan. Lieutenant Stein looks around, and stopping as he finds my face.

"Is this true?" he asks, folding the paper up and holding it in one hand as he crosses his arms. I nod, my eyes meeting his.

"Yes, Lieutenant. However, that is the only magic I can do." I say firmly. My fingers mess with the back of my uniform as my palms become clammy.

"I didn't ask what else you could do. Well, if there is only one of you, come with me. And-" He stops, looking to the sides of me, "you three there, follow us as well. The rest of you are dismissed, so get back to training." He points to three unsuspecting mage soldiers, their heads nodding. "All of the mages, please follow the sergeant over there. He is also a mage and will be training you from now on."

One by one all of the soldiers file out, Father walking over to Lieutenant Stein and us four mages. He gives me a glare for a minute, before turning to Stein. "If I may put in a suggestion, why don't you just look for the mark?" He asks, grabbing my arm and showing it to the other officer.

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