Chapter 13

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It’s been a few weeks since the king declared war with humanity. A few weeks since I got stationed here to work with Alantia and Gaster. Not much news filters in through the infirmary, so outside is still hazy. I’ve been told not to leave the infirmary without Gaster or Atlantia knowing. Just in case a monster here assumes I’m a threat to them and decides to attack me. 
While I’m on the subject of not being by myself most of the time, Grillby treats me like he’s supposed to be my bodyguard. He keeps monsters at a distance. He hasn’t left yet for a fight, but they have been training somewhere outside the mountain. Myata says its cold out there. Things have been getting tense outside. Gerson mentioned it too. It makes me feel uneasy about this whole debacle, but we are at war. Nothing is going to feel natural.
“Sam, gather the files on the table and rearrange them. After that I want you to go through this box,” Gaster places the box beside the files, “placing each container in alphabetical order. After that you will need to sanitize the cabinets then bleach the floor. Before you leave today I’ll need every medical cot to be stripped down, washed, and properly prepared. No questions? Good, get started now, I have to find Atlantia." I nod, standing from the chair I was sitting in. 
“If I’m done before you get back, goodnight. I’m just going to go straight to bed,” I try to be as nice to him as I can. There is enough stress on all of our shoulders, there’s no need for me to be hard headed and make it worse. 
“I doubt it, but nevertheless, goodnight,” he walks out with urgency, leaving me alone in the large room. Looking over to the table, files and papers are strewn across it, making me sigh. He’s right, this might take a while. 
One by one I put all of the files back in their resting places, their contents neat and arranged. Footsteps echo from the door as I lean up to reach the top shelf. “Both of the doctors are out at the moment,” I say, the footsteps stopping behind me. 
“Even with that step stool, you still can’t reach the top shelf.” I smile.
“I can’t help most monsters are taller than humans, Flamsey,” I retort, climbing down. I grab the small ladder, folding it up. Grillby is still wearing his training gear, a minimal chest plate with loose clothes underneath. “How did training go?” I slide the small ladder back where I found it. Walking past him to go back to the table, I open up the box to see jars with strange scientific labels sitting inside. 
“It was alright. The king is starting to separate us into groups based on how well our magic works together,” he moves to stand beside me, leaning against the table and watching me work. My hands move quickly, scanning each label and putting them in order. 
“I should be out there,” I mutter, shaking my head. His fire crackles beside me, his hand laying itself over mine. I stop, warmth radiating from him. Not gonna lie, it feels nice. Gerson only brought two jackets in the suitcase, and neither one of them is considered ‘heavy duty’. 
“We have plenty of warriors out there. Atlantia and Dings need help in here. Besides, I don’t want you getting hurt anymore,” he says. I give a soft sigh in return.
“Why have you been so worried about me? You act like my body guard. You aren’t this protective of Gaster and he is your best friend,” I face him, not moving my hand from his grasp. I look up at him, feeling my hand involuntarily squeeze around his. His shoulders aren’t held up, instead they slump down, tired. My heart beats a bit faster, making me confused. Why am I getting so nervous? It’s just Grillby.

"Everything that has happened so far has not benefited you in the least. You get hurt. You watch others get hurt and you blame yourself for it. Isn't that reason enough to be concerned about you. If you go out there, it might tear you apart. I don't want you ever to regret something that happens out there." He pauses, taking better hold of my hand.

"Did you forget who I am? That-"

"You don't understand what I'm trying to say." He pulls my enveloped hand and his strength makes me fall against his shoulders. My face heats up, not just from the fire monster I’m against. I clear my throat, regaining my balance. My heart feels like its about to jump out of my chest. We look at each other for only a few seconds, before he begins to talk again. “I. . .” he pauses for a moment, his yellow orbs closing, “I worry because I care deeply about you.” And there goes my heart, along with any proper function of my knees. 

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