Chapter 10

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"Alright, lunch time. Go hit the chow hall," the sergeant said, waving us all off. Finally, my stomach has been yelling at me for the past hour. I drop my hands down, letting them rest for a moment before wiping the sweat from my face with the bottom of my shirt and walking off. It takes a lot out of you to try and do something you haven't successfully done before. Even if it is cooler out here, everyone out here has at least some sweat covering their skin.

Including the newbies, there are about sixty or seventy of us now. Not a bad number, but I think the officers wish we had a bigger group. Today, the newbies were training near us, but had a different sergeant training them than we did. I guess to do what we did yesterday and see what they can all do. Once a few days pass by, I think we will all be separated further by how well we are at magic. I do have to say though, most of them aren't bad. They can do some pretty damn cool stuff. Though the younger ones, the ones sixteen or so, need to work on their magic, just like I do. I'm not gonna lie, this magic thing is kind of growing on me.

"Hey, Sam," Sarah chirps happily, walking up beside me. I give her a small wave, her stomach rumbling softly. I guess I'm not the only one who has an angry stomach. "You have no idea how hungry I am."

"Oh, trust me. I know. I've been where you were. Hell, I still get really hungry," I reply, shaking my head with a laugh, "My dad is a general." She thinks for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, you got me there."

"I know I do." She laughs as we enter chow hall, plenty of soldiers eating already. We join the other people waiting in line, a few officers sitting at a table near us, talking amongst the two of them. Sarah and I move up in line, standing near them as Sarah looks ahead to see what food they are serving. I honestly don't care. I have been eating stuff like this for awhile. I have gotten used to the food they serve, if you can call it that. I stand with my hands in my pockets, looking around at everyone, seeing Nathan eating with a table full of soldiers. He never had an issue making friends. Everyone likes him.

I smile softly, turning back to see Sarah's face turn into disgust. I laugh softly, shaking my head as the officers begin to talk about something new, the word monsters popping up in the conversation and drawing my attention.

"Isn't today the last day the monsters have to move out?" One asks, taking a spoonful of his soup-like liquid. The other shrugs.

"I don't know. It was either today or yesterday," he says, setting his cup down on the table, "but I did hear a few things."

"And that was?"

"I heard a civilian was going to 'hit up' one of the monsters houses near where he lived. Something about bunnies or something like that. Said he got a hold of something that you can't get here, if you know what I mean," the second officer's voice got quiet as he continued on with his sentence. The other one's eyebrows raise in surprise as he gulps down his food, leaning in closer to his friend.

"You mean a gun? How did he get a hold of that?" he whispers making my blood run cold. Sarah looks back at me from trying to peer around people, her face contorting to confusion as she spots my expression.

"Sam, are you-" I quickly and quietly shush her, trying to continue to listen to their conversation.

"Trafficking, I guess," the second officer shrugs.

"And you didn't say anything?"

"It's a bunch of monsters. Are you really going to say anything? Not my race, not my worry," his voice grows louder again, back to its normal state as my heart racing in my chest. My mind thinks back to the man that had peered at me through the window while I was trying to help them. It must be him, the glare he gave me had so much hatred in it, so much disgust. I have seen him around a few places, he just looks like someone who could do something like that.

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