Chapter 3

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“Flanagan,” I mutter, catching Murphy’s attention. He grumbles, standing.

“What’s that spoiled brat doing here?” He asks, shaking his head. For a splint second, he looks down at his lap before picking his head back up and looking at the family in front of us. “If you would excuse me, I’m going to warn my new staff.” Pepper raises an eyebrow, looking at me.

“What’s wrong, is everything alright?” She asks. I nod, eyeing Flanagan and his friends as they walk into the diner.

“Hogun Flanagan, the man who just walked in, is in the military with me. Another spoiled, monster hating rich kid. The only reason he IS in the military is for an ego boost,” I mutter, as he stops just before the door to look for a table. Our eyes lock, a smug grin creeping over his face.

“Well, hey there Samantha,” he mocks, motioning for his friends to grab a table. He walks over to us, causing me to stand. Blocking him from walking any further towards the family of three, I glare at him.

“Leave them alone,” I warn. “You harass them, I’ll bring it up with the general.” He scoffs, looking back at me.

“You gonna tell your daddy on me? If I were you, I’d be more worried about him finding out that I’m hanging around a bunch of monsters.” He keeps a grin on his face, looking down at me as his tall stature towers over me.

“Well you aren’t me, now are you?” I snap, ”now stop trying to scare me and go join your friends.” I stand my ground, making him back off.

“Whatever, freaks. All four of you,” he replies, turning and walking over to his friends. Ignoring the comment, I sit back down as the waiter rolls back over.

“What would you all like?” He asks, voice crackling just like, well, fire. The family orders, as I look over the menu again.

“Applejuice, with eggs and bacon please,” I say, giving him the menu back. Heat radiates from his hand, but not in a harmful way, like you would expect. “You never gave us your name earlier.” He stops for a moment, as if processing what I just said. Though his face is mostly barren, two yellow circles stare back at me as I look him in the...eyes?

“Grillby,” he answers, before going to place the order. Alright then.

“So, you guys know any other monsters around here? I met a guy this morning. Gah, what was his name? Real broody type. Uh...a fish?” I ask, trying to make conversation.

"Oh, you mean Artyom. Yeah, he was the one who suggested we move here. Although, he wasn’t too happy with the house we chose, considering it’s near so many humans,” Oliver says, causing Daisy to light up.

“Uncle Arty? Is he coming to join us?” she asks excitedly, bouncing in the booth. Pepper shakes her head.

“No, honey. Not today,” she answers, making Daisy pout slightly.

“Oh, alright,” she mutters, calming down. She’s so cute. Looking over behind the counter, Grillby seems to be struggling with the drinks. I stand, walking behind the counter and over to him.

“Here, let me,” I say, grabbing the plastic cups from his hands. “So, let me guess. Since you’re fire, handling liquids could hurt you?” He nods in response, his face burning a slight pink.

“Except...alcohol. Anything else is like a burn for me,” he explains, as I fill as the four drinks.

“Well, maybe next time you should wear gloves. It might be a bit easier,” I say, smiling and walking back to the table, drinks in hand. I pass them to their respective owners, Daisy getting a small, white cup with a matching lid and straw. She smiles widely, beginning to drink quickly.

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