Chapter 5

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Everything went by in a blur as the truck travelled by people and storefronts. Other owners must have acquired the same letter we did, otherwise, monsters would not be leaving with belongings in tow. My hands tightened a bit around the warm styrofoam-plastic container resting on my lap. Even the library received a letter because the owner was pushed out the door. It appears he’s been overthrown by his employees; he tended to hire mainly humans since they were very resourceful. “The new treaty has traveled far from the looks of things. Monsters without jobs, what are they going to do now?” It was more of a question for me, than for anyone else to answer.

“Nothing. What happens next solely depends on Asgore,” Gerson taps his finger on the steering wheel, Grillby sits comfortably in the front gazing out at the now-jobless monsters. That’s right, Grillby is a monster too without a job. “It’d be best if you don’t worry about us, Sammy. We may be monsters, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have determination of our own.” I let out a small breath, looking down at my hands, entwined neatly within each other.

“I’m going to worry. You guys are my family, minus Grillby” I reply, before inhaling sharply. This drive is actually quite long, and mostly heartbreaking too, with all the monsters being evicted from their homes and all. It isn’t right. None of this is right! We can’t just force all of those poor people out of the places they should feel the safest, right?

What worries me greatly is that they have nowhere left to go. No person in this town would take them in, except for me and Murphy of course. But I live with a father that despises anyone of that race, so that is definitely not an option. “Yer biting yer lip, girly. Stop thinkin’ about it,” Gerson mutters from the front, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

“My job as a soldier is to solely protect everyone. Stop telling me to simply stop thinking about it. I mean, please tell me you guys have somewhere to go. Someplace that can reassure me of your safety,” I sighed, leaning forward between the two seats, hands resting on their seats to support me. The seat belt squeaks in moderate protest, not wanting to be taken that far out. The two monsters in front of me exchange glances and Gerson quickly looks back towards the long gray pavement.

“Yeah, we do,” Grillby speaks up, his fire crackling as he looks back down at his lap. “We . . . all do.” The awkwardness of his phrasing is strange to say. A place to take refuge at least . . . at least they have something to fall back on. Most people, most humans I should say, I have seen through most assignments usually do not have a place to rely on. Then again, they were not welcomed here as my father would say to hush me, perhaps to cool down the questionnaires I would fire at him. These questions would always be present in the back of mind, like now, just as I am going home. They knock on the door, yet no one answers as they constantly ask me so many annoying questions about the event revolving around me. The monsters getting thrown out of work, the next step may even be more climatic if my father signed that document.

This drive was long, and everything seems to be moving twice its speed. Not a word was muttered any further. It was like one word would shatter this silence. Deep down, I believed that a monster’s rights, are right in a way. Humans have no right to say who is what, but to be honest, when looking at the world around me it shows that my opinion does not matter. The diner, the family, and the monsters I deem to call my friends, perhaps family, are now in danger with this new motion by the higher ups. A loud snap broke my train of thought.

“Snap out of it,” Grillby was gazing at me, his hand near my face, “we will be stopping at the end of this street. You don’t want to be seen with the likes of us. I am of course only assuming that your father might see you, and I don't want to see you hurt because of us.” His voice crackled and sparked as his flames were a darker red.

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