He killed her

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Rose went to school and saw Clay and the others. She sat down in class the teacher was going to talk. Clay knocked and came inside. Rose looked a way thinking not him. Clay said"Hi Mrs. Mandy um my teacher is ready to show the kids around." Mandy told them class let's go next door follow Clay. Rose and Danny got up following Clay. The teacher had her students sit with the older kids.

Clays teacher assigned everyone a partner. Rose frowned and sat down by Clay. The teacher said"Since your partners are young your assignment is easy." She told them write a story about each other's life. Clay looked at Rose she wouldn't even look at him. The bell rang and everyone had lunch Tyler sat down alone as always. Rose got up and walked up to him.

Tyler prov.

I had a doctor appointment so I missed class. Man I didn't get a partner so I had to do the work alone. The table at lunch was empty so I sat there. I turned my head seeing a little girl walking my way. I smiled she said"Hi I'm Rose my class is visiting can I sit here?" I frowned I didn't want to be rude but she might ask questions. So I told her why don't you just get lost got it!

Rose had tears going down her cheek and she left. Justin was outside trying to stay a way from people. Bryce was watching as Rose saw Justin scares. She walked over and said "Oh no who did this to you I'll tell the teacher." Justin told her no you can't do that get back here. Rose took off running Zach and the others grabbed her. She screamed help Tony watched them. Bryce got on his bike and they held Rose and tied her to his wagon. They rode off and she had tape on her mouth. They arrived at the bridge Rose cried afraid. Bryce and Justin threw her in the ocean and left.

Rose screamed through the tape and fell in. She was scared and Rose tried to swim but she couldn't. Tony's parents were driving home and their car got a flat. The dad was fixing it but then Tony's mom saw a body on the sand. She walked over there and saw Rose body there. Tony's dad ran over hearing his wife scream. He saw his wife holding a kid. Clay was riding his bike and saw Rose with Tony's parents. He ran over there saying what happen what did you do! Tony's parents wanted to explain but if Clay tells their be deported. The mom quickly explained to Clay. And they left because Clay didn't believe them. He called 911 the ambulance arrived and noticed Rose was breathy breathing. They put her in the ambulance Clay got inside. He called his parents and told them what happen.

The parents met Clay at the hospital. The ambulance arrived and men and lady rushed Rose in the hospital. Clay ran after them his parents held him back. His mom said"Clay you can't go in there we have to wait here your friend will be fine." Clay looked at his mom and dad and told them um Rose isn't my friend. Clays dad told him Clay son we need to have the talk. He frowned not understanding. Clays dad said"Son your mom and I know Rose is your girlfriend but your too young so just be friends." Clay listened to his dad even though Rose wasn't his girlfriend. The nurse came out and told them Rose wants to see Clay. Damon and his parents came in the hospital the nurse told them what happen.

Damon was mad he went to see Rose. He said"Rose sis I'm so sorry the way I treated you I was going to kill you myself." Rose looked at him scared Damon kissed her forehead. He told her I never wanted a sister. I wanted to kill you when you were born. Rose was about to push the help button for someone to help her. Damon grabbed a pillow and pushed it on Rose face. She screamed and struggled but Rose stopped moving. A sound went off and Damon left the room. No one saw him leave the nurses ran inside. They saw the machine and checked Rose. The nurses turned off the light and saw a box. The doctor went to Rose parents and told them we're sorry but we tried to save her.

The parents cried shouting no Damon fake some tears. Clay watched Danny came inside and hugged Damon. Clay went in Rose room and sat down by her dead body. The nurse told him you can't be in here you need to go. He looked at the nurse and got up leaving holding his cassette player. A month went by and Clay put on his suit. His mom came inside and fixed his tie. She frowns and said"Clay I know your sad but this isn't your fault ok." He looked at his mom and cried into her but nodded. The dad told them let's go honey and son. Clay went outside and got in the car. His parents got inside and they drove off.

Damon started to pack his bags and boxes. Danny came over and said "Damon hey I'm sorry about Rose she was a nice girl and I was mean to her." He nodded Danny told him I made her with doll it's out of money but I guess I'll bury it with her. Danny leaves the room Damon smirked thinking. His parents got in the car so did Damon. They arrived at the cemetery and the cars pulled over. Clay got out and stood there watching Damon and his friends held the coffin. Clay and up there and gave his speech after everyone heard what he did to her. They were mad Damon said "Clay this is all your fault you might be the reason she died." Clay and his family were told to leave.

Clay didn't trust Damon and the others. Danny told him hey Clay what's wrong? He told him Danny I don't trust Damon I think he killed his sister. Danny was shocked Clay said "I need your help Danny help me prove that Damon killed Rose. Danny thought about it and told him I'm in but we need help. Clay made sure no one saw and went in Rose room. Tears went down Clays eyes and he searched. Finally he found it the box that said this is for Clay Jensen. He jumped down the window and ran. Clay stopped being surrounded by Damon's friends.

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