The date

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Hannah went down stairs and got her food. Mrs Baker said "Hannah sweetie how is the new school you never told us." Mr. Baker looked at Hannah too they were both worried. She told them it's great I made new friends I better get going. She went to her bike but it had a flat. Hannah ran back in the house but her parents left already. She started walking to school a boy was walking alone. Hannah remembered him but never caught his name. She said "Hi mind if I walk with you to school?" Tony looked at Hannah and smiled he told her sure. Hannah told him I never caught your name I'm Hannah Baker. He told her I'm Tony Padilla and I'm glad your ok. Hannah nodded and kept walking. She told him oh I'm going to stop in this store. Tony looked at the shop and went with her. Hannah grabbed a candy bar and got one for Tony. She paid and they left the store. Tony told her what do you think about six grade?" Hannah told him I just hope it doesn't get harder.

Tony nodded and walked Hannah in the school

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Tony nodded and walked Hannah in the school. Everyone was talking about their last year of fifth grade. Clay was talking to Scott he said "Trust me Clay six grade will be better actually I think middle school will be." He told him I guess so Scott I mean my family and I are stressing so much. Scott told him hey it's ok I'm sure you guys can visit Zoey. The bell rang and everyone went to class. Hannah sat down by Nancy and she smiled. The teacher told them ok class since today's the last day. Clay was thinking here come the water works. Tony sat down just waiting for school to be over. The teacher told them I'm going to miss you all. She told them but all were going to do is watch movies. Hannah smiled and the teacher put on goosebumps. The movie started and everyone was watching it. A girl in our class saw Slappy and screamed. Everyone started laughing at her she just looked a way.

Benjamin saw Jasmine talking to her friends were school. Then the bell rang and they went to lunch. Bryce saw her and grabbed her lunch. She said "Hey Bryce give me my lunch back!" Monty laughed Justin held her still she struggled. Benjamin saw and pushed Bryce he looked at him. Bryce socked Benjamin Jasmine told them Bryce Justin stop! Soon the teacher came over and they were sent to the principal. Benjamin listened to the principal someone came into the school. They asked for the person in charge the principal went over there. Bryce said "Hey Benjamin that's the guy whose going to get me out of trouble." He told him why would anyone help you your bully especially to girls. Benjamin waited but the man came inside instead of the principal. The man told them now let's see if we can work this out. Bryce smirked Benjamin got mad and left the room.

Jasmine ran after him and said "Benjamin wait um I wanted to thank you for helping me." Benjamin nodded and hit his locker. He told her that guy is helping Bryce it makes me so mad. She frowned and kissed Benjamin he was shocked. Jasmine told him that was to calm you down. She smiled Benjamin told her hey do you want to go out. Jasmine looked behind her and told him sure. She gave him her number and ran over to her friends. They started laughing and talked. Benjamin walked a way Stephen told him good job man. Jasmine friend said "Are you sure he's the right guy I mean his brothers scare all of us." Jasmine told her I'll give him a chance guys. All the girls looked at Jasmine and walked off.

The bell rang and everyone opened their lockers. Nancy said "Azzy so we're all going to the beach after want to come?" She looked at Nancy and told her um ok but I can't be that long. All the girls walked to the beach Azzy saw Eric and ran up to him. She told him hi Eric um we're all going to the beach. She took a deep breathe and told him want to come? Eric smiled and said "Um I would but I have some family stuff to take care of." Azzy frowns but told him ok have a nice summer. Nancy waited and Azzy walked with her and the girls. Clay came out and met up with Eric. They talked about school. Benjamin met up with his brother and told them what happen. Clay told him guys it's always about the Walkers but I'm sure their not all bad. They walked to the preschool and Bethany ran out. Then they all went home to relax. Their parents were cooking dinner.

Eric and Clay noticed Benjamin acting different and nervous. Eric told him hey Benjamin what's wrong? Clay jumped on Benjamin back. He put Clay down and told them nothing. Eric gave him a look he said "OK I have a date with a girl she's so nice and I'm nervous." He told him hey it's ok just be yourself and don't show off. Clay laughed Eric told him you too Clay. Eric shook his head and told him I'll help you bro. Benjamin nodded and showed Clay and Eric the suits. They shook their heads no Bethany came inside and was eating chips. Selena picked her up and said "Hey sis your so cute what are you guys doing?" Eric told her nothing our brother has a date. Selena told them oh I hope she's not too serious about my brother. They looked at her as she laughed and told them ok. Selena told them but if your picking a suit I would just wear regular clothes.

Jasmine started looking for a dress to wear. Her friends weren't really helping since they didn't like Benjamin. Jasmine said "Guys come on Benjamin is different please help me." Sara told her but we don't like his clothes and he looks like his in a bad neighborhood. Zenna told her yeah and I saw him and Tony beat someone up. Jasmine said "Those are just rumors guys." She put dresses on the bed all the girls looked at them. Soon Jasmine was ready for her date with Benjamin. And finally so was Benjamin he got in his car. Jasmine waited and soon she heard the door bell. Her dad opens the door he told him hello sir. The dad told him I don't want to hear your drinking and driving she's my only daughter! Benjamin got more nervous but just nodded his head.

Benjamin looked up and was shocked. Jasmine came down stairs in a pretty dress. He walked to her and said "Wow you look amazing oh these are for you." Jasmine took the flowers and followed him to his car. He drove off and arrived at the beach. Jasmine got out and saw a table on the beach. She laughed and ran to the table. Benjamin pulled her chair out Jasmine sat down. Eric put their food on the table and told them and for music. Clay frowns and walked out holding his guitar. Jasmine smiled as Clay started to play it. She didn't care that the guitar wasn't really real but a toy. Jasmine and Benjamin started eating burgers and fries. Her friends were watching them. Jasmine frowns as he picked her up. She told him where are we going? Benjamin put her down and jumped in the ocean.

Jasmine smiled and jumped into the ocean too. Benjamin started splashing her she laughed. She was swimming and bumped into him. Benjamin looked at her eyes she smiled. The stars came out Clay and Eric watched them. They knew their brother wanted to be alone so they left. Jasmine said "Thanks Benjamin this was a amazing date I have ever been on." Benjamin smiled and kissed her. Jasmine pulled him closer and kissed him back. After a while Benjamin took her home. Jasmine went in her house and closed the door. Clay and Eric we're watching tv they wished it wasn't Disney. Bethany smiled singing Aladdin and laughed. They were Benjamin walked inside smiling. They told him hey brother come watch tv with us. Benjamin said "What no thanks I'm going to my room bye." Clay frowned Eric laughed saying our brother is in love.

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