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Clay went to school he saw everyone talking. He saw Rose cubby Clay pulled out a doll and remembered it. Justin went up to Clay and said "Hey how are you Clay?" Clay looked at Justin and hit him. Everyone was shocked so was Justin. The teacher put Clay in the time out. Soon it was lunch time and Justin sat down by Bryce. He saw Justin with a mark above his eye. Justin told him I'm done being nice Clay awaken the monster in me. Bryce smirked and they ate their food. The bell rang and Clay went outside. Eric told him Clay get in the car Benjamin waited in the car. He got inside the car Benjamin drives off. Eric said "We heard what you did Clay mom and dad are mad." He nodded Benjamin told them we're going to the hospital so here we got food Clay. Clay took the food and told them why are we going to the hospital?

 Clay took the food and told them why are we going to the hospital?

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Eric and Benjamin looked at Clay and smiled

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Eric and Benjamin looked at Clay and smiled. They keep driving and finally the car stops. Eric holds Clays hand as they all run inside. Clay takes his backpack and puts it on the scan. Benjamin and Eric did the same and it went through. They got their stuff and waited in the waiting room. Mr Jensen came over and hugged his boys. He told them the doctor said your mom is fine it was false alarm. Clay was confused because no one told him what was happening. Benjamin drives off and they returned home. Clay sat down in the living room so did Eric and Benjamin. Mrs Jensen sits down and said "Kids and Clay we're having a baby." He smiled and hugged his mom. Eric and Benjamin told Selena she hugged them all.

They all ate food and went to sleep Clay was happy. All of a sudden Mrs Jensen said "My bag broke." Mr Jensen got in the car and Mrs Jensen got inside. Eric and Benjamin woke up Clay and Selena. They all got in the car and drove off. Mr Jensen told the nurse that his wife's bag broke. The doctors put Mrs Jensen in the wheel chair and left. Eric held Selena in his arms and smiled. Selena laughed as Eric pretended to be a disney character. Clay watched them and listened to music. Benjamin was worried for his mom. Mr Jensen tapped his foot hoping everything will be ok. He knew having a baby would cost a lot of money. The doctor came out and said "Is anyone here for Mrs. Jensen?" They all stood up Clay frowned as the nurse looked worried. Mr. Jensen asked what was wrong the nurse said "One of the baby's isn't breathing come with us please." Benjamin heard and looked at his siblings. Eric nodded and put on a Disney movie for Selena. She laughed Mr. Jensen held one of the baby's. The doctor and nurse helped the other baby.

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