The rumors

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Blare wakes up to his cat scratching the door, wanting to go in. "Urgh, come on moonlight, its like 7 in the morning-" It meowed, still scratching the door. Blare groaned and got up, changing and then looking around for the bathroom. Strange, there was one in his room, how come he didnt realized it till now? Blare shook his head. Going inside he saw all of his bathroom stuff in it, 'maybe dad has putten some of my stuff in the bathroom,' Blare sighed, as 15 min past, he was wearing a dark blue shirt with a 'Gamer boi' logo on it , brown-green jeans, and wearing a grey hoodie with white and black stripes on the side of his arms and chest, as his hands where in his pockets, "alright, im up and dressed, now what?" Moonlight started to walk twords the door, as it headed downstairs. Blare followed along, with his small pouch, it had his phone, phone charger, earbuds, wallet, and his sketchbook. All the way downstairs, he saw his old bookbag, it seemed to be...full... Blare seemed confused, he shook his head, as moonlight went to the door, as it had a new bike outside the window. Blare got suprised, he hasn't usen a bike in 2 years. As he opened the front door to examine the bike, he saw a note. Blare, curiously opened the note, moonlight meowing next to the bike, "I hope you don't miss your first day, me nor your mother can drop you off, we had to attend an important metting, so we bought you a new bike, and packed your book bag ready, just don't forget your lunch! Well be back home at 10pm, since me and your mom have to settle some stuff, and find jobs, but we know we can trust you being alone, the keys to the house are in your bookbag, see you soon!" Blare suddenly jumped, 'What time is it!?' He thought, as he checked his phone, '7:30' he sighed, as he looked behind the note, telling the address to the school. Blare was very good at knowing streets and places, but only back where he used to live. Blare pulled up the maps in his phone and putted directions to get there. "Ok, ill leave in a bit, ill first go eat, and leave you food and water, ok?" Blare said looking at moonlight. "And im talking to a cat...." Blare became weird, having the fact that it can't talk back, he also felt dumb,

---Time laps to 8:00am--

Blare packed his stuff and headed out on his bike, as he knew where to go since he was a quick memorizer. Riding around the neighborhoods, as a few people saw him and seemed to be whispering. Blare ignored them and soon saw the school. It was small and very rusty. The walls where painted faded red and brown, as there was only one floor. It also looked emptied. Blare became confused as he checked his phone. '8:15' he thought 'but where are the kids?' He started to think it was a trick, until he saw an boy. As he came closer, Blare went off his bike as he walked slowly. The boy had an light brown hair, with an greenish-brown shirt with a faded logo on it, he was also wearing ripped jeans that looked old, as his shoes where also ripped and faded, his skin color was pale peach, with rosy cheeks and small noise, eyes golden dark yellow. "Hey uh, this is the high school right?" Blare asked as he was hoping for the other to answer back. "Yes," the others voice was soft, but sharp. "Then where are the students-" "Inside" Blare was interrupted by the other. He became confused, "why are they inside?" Blare asked the other. "Because of you" the other said. Blare felt like he was like an monster being feared. "Why so?" Blare asked again as this time the bell rang, as the other quickly went inside. Blare decide to put his bike in the bike racks and go inside as well. Inside seemed like if it where abandon, since there only was two classes and a few lockers. 'Weird' Blare thought as he went to look for the office. As he went through the hallway, he saw a group of boys getting there stuff ready, as they saw Blare, they quickly turned as he went by. Blare ignored it as he saw the office door. Opening it, making a creaking sound, he saw a few men and women discussing something, as his named was mentioned, "um, hello?" He tried to get there attention. One of women turned, "oh hello, you must be the new transfer student, Blare if its correct?" Blare nodded. "Well I'm Mrs. Cain, the principle, you must be very confused," Mrs. Cain said as she told the other men and women to get to work. "Yeah, I have many questions, like why is the high school like a preschool?" Blare asked. Mrs. Cain headed out the door, letting Blare know he needed to follow. "Well you see, not many live here in the open, so we didn't need to worry much about money, as we mostly worried about the food and school martials, anyways ill show you your locker and Classroom, make yourself at home, here at AU, we welcome everyone" Mrs. Crain said with a warm smile, as she pointed to a locker by in the middle of two more lockers. "Here is your locker, and your in room 2, Mr. Lopez will be waiting for you, oh and here's your locker combo" she said as she gave him a small paper with numbers written in them and started to head back to the office. Blare quickly put in the locker combo in and quickly prepared himself for his first and possibly only class he has. Going by the door, Blare became scared for what will happen next when he opened the door. Slowly, going inside the classroom, he saw all the student in the seats turn to him, as he was on the spotlight of the show. Blare slowly went next to the desk where there was an man, around his twenty's, sitting in a large desk. "Ah, so you must be the new fellow ey? Everyone, this is Blare, the new student." He said, with an sharp, calm voice. Blare didn't like to be in the middle off attention. But a few girls whispered, as a few boys quickly look away. Blare did recognize a face, it was the boy from outside. "Blare, why don't you sit next to Damien? There's a free seat by the window next to him." Blare hesitated to walk by him, 'so Damien was his name..' Blare thought, as he seat by him. Damien looked away, as he focused up front. Blare did as well, as Mr. Lopez wrote his name on the chalk bored. 'Who uses chalk boards now and days?' Blare thought as Mr. Lopez started to speak. "I'm Mr. Lopez, as a few already know, I will be your teacher for the rest of this grade year, as you have either been given a seat or chosen it yourselves, that will be your seat for now on, now lets get into the lesson"

---time skip to lunch--

After class Blare went outside to eat his lunch, as he felt all of the other teens stare at him and whisper, 'do they hate me? Why am I on the spotlight so much?' Blare started to over think, as he tries to even forget he was even in the spotlight. As he sat alone by the corner of the school building, taking his lunch out and eating it. Damien walked by him, "is it true?" He asked, Blare was confused "what?" Blare answered. "Is it true you live in the house by the woods?" Blare seemed surprised, "oh uh yes," he answered quickly. "You haven't heard, about the girl?" Blare sat up. "The girl?" He asked. "Yeah, the one that roams around the woods at night" Damien said as he looked around, seeing if anyone was watching them. "O..oh, i never heard of this..." Blare replied as he started to get worried. "Look, meet me here after school, and ill tell ya tha tale" That was the last of Damien's words before he scattered away. Blare sat there in silence. 'The tale? I'm so confused,' he thought as he heard the bell rang, as he got up to get back to class.

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