Halloween Eve part 3

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Blare got a good look at all four of them. Jake and Emma was sasuke and sakura from Boruto. Blare saw the show a couple times before. but didn't get much interest in it. But it was very canon. As expected Damien was wearing something worn out, to be specific, an low quality grim reaper, but it looked good on him. And then there was Katty, and Blare expected it. She wore a tight, cat costume, she also dyed her bangs black and wore cat ears and tail, the costume was overall black, and she had a bit of makeup on. Blare hasn't seen a costume like that since three Halloweens ago. And Damien was right- it was very attracting, it almost got Blare for a moment- but he shock his head and got up with the help of Damien lending him a hand. "You guys look amazing" Blare said to them "and thank you for saving my butt back there-" Blare said as he softly rubbed his left arm. "No prob, but ill pick ya up next time eh?" Damien said with a smile. "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO APPRECIATES MY COSTUME- I took hours making sure it was all right-" Katty said, "and don't mind those small brains, they just think they are better since they are 'richer' and 'smarter' than us" She added. "mhm! those meanies should just lay off on our friends!" Emma said. Blare chuckled, "you guys are amazing" Blare said. "We just like to stick out for our family at times like this" Jake said softly. "ANYWAYS" Katty interrupted. "lets head back to the hood, i can see some guys starring, and I don't want to attract guys in the north-" Damien glared a bit at Katty. "what? is cause you have a crush on-" "SHUT UP-" Damien interrupted Katty "DAMIEN HAS A CRUSH ON BEL-" Emma covered Kattys mouth. "thats enough screaming for now child-" "lets talk about this later, how bout we raid some houses now?" Blare said as he looked at Katty. "Now your talking, LETS GO!" Katty yelled again.


After a couple of houses that the group had went to, their bags were halfway full. The kids were outside in front of Bella'a house. Her house was pretty big, Blare can tell she was one of the rich kids in the block. "First time seeing this fine establishment Blare?" He can guess that Bella saw blare starring at her house. "Yeah I guess you can say that" Blare replied chuckling. "Eh, the kids came from Hollywood, of course he seem houses this big Bella" Damien said. "Oh- well that was something I didn't know bout that" Bella said as she looked at both boys. "TELL ME ALL ABOUT IT! Do you see celebrities often? Is the houses huge like mansions!? Is the products expensive!?" Katty yelled since she's always wanted to go to Hollywood. "W-well I wasn't near Hollywood but I was close by it, there are houses and apartments that looked pretty nice and the products are normal like everywhere else-" Blare replied as he was overwhelmed, "What about-" "hold your horses Katty, he's overwhelmed, we'll talk about this later" Jake said interrupting Katty. "Jakes right, we can talk about this later like at school- speaking of which- we still have tha exam on Monday- and we should study tomorrow-" Damien said- "Damien don't bring up school on a holiday- I swear to god that the last of my worried for the moment-" Bella said as she glared at Damien. "Im just saying-" Damien said as he got a bit scared from the glare that Bella gave him. Blare chuckled but then something caught his eye, it was a girl
Dressed in some sort of white-ish dress. Blare felt like he's seen this person before, but didn't know from were or when. Blare decided to start a conversation with her. But then Blare can assume that Damien saw her as well. Damien sighed, "I'll help you make a move" he said before he-"AY!" Damien yelled, "YOU CAN JOIN US IF YA WANT" He yelled again. "Shush your gonna scare her!"
Bella said to damien. "Too late, she's already running..." Jake Said they all saw her fleeing from what was fear. "Hey wait! Guys stay here, I'll try talking to her" Blare said as he ran after her. "You got this boy! Be a man!-" Before Damien could continued, Emma putted her hand on Damien'a mouth. "Let him be him, for now let's just wait" She said. Blare kept running after her. "Wow she is a fast runner-" He said to himself. After a couple of minutes running, she ran off from the streets into the woods. Blare stopped. "Wait..don't tell me.." Blare wanted to go further, but he decided not to. 'It couldn't be her..could it..?'

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