Halloween eve pt 4

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The group started to head to blare's house. They seemed to be pretty tired, yet still have so much energy. Bella was a bit more behind than the rest, since she was looking around for some reason. Bella soon then went near a bush, and stood there for a sec. Blare noticed how she was so behind, "Hey Bella ! You coming or what!?" He yelled to get her attention. Bella looked up at Blare, "Yeah, I just dropped a piece of candy!" She said before looking back at the Bush, "I know your there, stop stalking and show yourself like a proper person" Bella said before rushing back to the others. Once the kids got at the door, Blare opened the door and then his parents jumping out of nowhere and screamed, "BOO!" The kids screamed in fear, except Jake..- Jake didn't even have an slight reaction. "Darn, should have seen it' comin'" Damien said. He felt embarrassed from showing fear. "Pftahaha that was amazing," Emma said. Bella was shocked and speechless. She looked like a frozen statue. "Mom! Dad!-" Blares father laughed out loud. "Hahaha brings back old memories, I hope I didn't scare the life out of you kids" He said. Blare just realized the costumes they were wearing. It was a old school costume of fairly odd parents of cosmo and Wanda. Blare thought they probably got the idea from the internet. But it was well done. "I like your costume mr and mrs..?" "Just call us your new parents to come to if you need anything" Blares mother replied to Jake. The jokes were funny while they lasted, blare thought. "Well kids why don't you come on in, don't worry we are going to be in the living room watching movies" Blares father said as he opened the door for the kids. "Thank you so much for letting us be in your home" Emma said happily. Bella looked at Jake and whispered. "Don't you dare tell anyone or your dead- is that your phone?" Bella realized that Jake was recording her reaction. "Don't worry....I won't tell anyone..." having a slight smirk. All of them went inside, as Blares parents said, they went into the living room. Of course the kids went in the basement. "Man ya decoration in this place is amazing" Damien said. "Dad and I worked in it earlier yesterday, I'm glad you guys liked it" blare said with a warm smile. "Let's start trading candies!!" Emma said with excitement as she put her bag on the table. "Great idea..I have many here I'm not a fan of..-" Jake said as he looked inside his bag. The kids placed their bags of goods onto the table and sat down on the floor, since it was a similar height to a coffee table. "So, time to gamble with sugar drugs-" Emma was about to finish saying before Jake covered her mouth softly. "She meant trading post.." Jake said. Blare chuckled. "Let's start off with chocolates." Damien suggested as he started to put a pile of chocolates onto his part of the coffee table. It was mainly dark chocolate and milk chocolate with almonds. "Why- almonds are the best!-" Bella said, "never was a fon' of em since I was 3" Damien replied. Everyone seemed to put down dark chocolate, a bit of chocolate Carmel, and Reese's. "I'll take a bit of the Carmel" Emma said. "Same here" Blare replied. "Han' over em Reese's!" Damien said with a smirk. All was left was the dark chocolate. "So who's gonna?-" "I will" Jake said interrupting Bella. Everyone starred at Jake with confusion eyes, as Jake slowly grabbed the pile and put it to his side of the coffee table. "..Matches with my personality.." Jake said to break the silence. "I'm not gonna even ask-" Bella said. They all started to laugh. Even Jake slightly chuckled. After all the candy was sorted and traded, the kids continued their party with a scary movies. They watched two since they were pretty long. Nightmare on elms street and Steven kings it. Stevens Kings it surprised Damien and Emma, but didn't fully scare them. "I got lost at the grown ups part-" Bella said. "I can probably see why but if you watch it five more times the you'd understand" Blare said, since he watched it since he was 8, so now it wasn't to scary for him. "Nightmare though- now it just terrifies me to think if my dreams actually can kill me-" Emma said earring off into space with an intense look. Jake Hughes her, "you can control your dreams, so kill em back with kindness" Jake said. Emma smiles with warmth. "That's rare when ya hear Jake say a sentence without stoping,-" Damien said. "That's cause he's with someone he loves unlike me, I'm here waiting for the one" Bella said while she looked away . "Seems like your pretty jealous to me Bella" Blare said chuckling. "Uhuh, for sure" She replied. "High standers I'd say" Damien said. "I just realized there was chips in the corner we can eat- were they even there when we came?-" Emma question as even stayed silence for a moment. "Oh yeahh, forgot to tell you guys about that and the pop, aaand the juice- and pizza- and soda-" Blare said as he smiled from forgetfulness, while looking away and scratching his head. "Guess that means rewatching a movie and making it less scary! You know what I mean?" Emma said as she looked at the others. "Heck yeah!" Bella replied, "Ight" Damien said, "..sure.." Jake mumbles, they looked at Blare. Blare looked at them for a moment, then smiled. "I'm in!".

- authors note -
Hello everyone! I hope you guys had a great day and I'd like to say thank you for reading this book! Please support me and drop a vote down for others to be recommend this book as well. I haven't watch nightmare on elms street, but now I want to. One for the reactions in the next chapter and two to finally watch it since I am a bit of a scaredy-cat. So in that meaning for anyone who hasn't watch it, be noted that there will be slight spoilers in the next chapter. Again please support me by giving a vote to each chapter you loved the most and to follow me for more updates on my story! Have a great rest of your day/evening! And stay safe!

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