The two sides

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A couple days has past- why am I making it seems like a long time- I watched from afar and saw that same kid again, this time with more people. I wanted to get closer- but when I'm in the light- I start to fade-away. She said it's because I only can live in the darkness and nighttime, if I try to go into the light from the sun, then I'd die. I wasn't sure why, but it had scared me to go into the light since I was an infant.

But I could hear from what the wind told me. A party? What is a sleep over? I never got to grow up in a normal life, the last time I was normal- was so many years ago, maybe about 30 years or more, I stopped counting when I was 8. Technically I'm like a god, I can live so many years- yet still be so young, at this point I'm just 15, about to turn 16 in a few months...

Father and Blare continues their work on the basement, Blare made sure it was clean and Father made sure there was food. Blade told Father about what happened the day before. "That's interesting, it's like teams in a soccer field, you got the right team and left team." Father said. "Yep, and it feels like we're all family, since to what it seems they are caring and kind" Blare added. "I'm pretty glad we chose to stay here, though we did had to leave some things behind, but we can still hold those memories" father said as he putted some large bag of chips on the table, "yeah, oh and dad, don't forget, no secretly eating candy when passing it out, remember last time?" Blare said as a memory formed. Father accidentally ate up all the candy and had a bad stomachache for a week straight. "Don't worry kid, I've learned my lesion from last time, this time I'll eat less" Father replied with a chuckle. Blade laughed, "so, you gonna leave at what time and get back at what time?" Father asked, he wasn't strict or anything, he just wants to keep noted in case anything happens. "Well, we plan to leave tomorrow after school at 4, the get to the house by 6, and then have that sleep over" blare said as he putted up the last pile of scary movies. Blares family was known for having the most scary movies in their old town, they even bought the new ones that just came out. "Got it, and make sure you guys don't stay up the whole night at least," Father said. "Got it sad, and thank you" "anytime kid" Father replies with a warm smile in his face. Mother was upstairs making their costumes out from scratch. She was doing the one Blare requested, and one Father had ask which was a  simple vampire, and She was doing one for herself as well, it was a zombie. Normal for the family, unless it's the house. The house was always like a show and tell, they looked like themes at times, this time Blare suggested the theme, creepy doll girls. What will be planned to set up is making the house like a doll house and putting broken and rusty dolls on the floor, hanging, and on the couches, some on the tables as well. And the house has things like, plastic furniture. Mother was a fan of over doing stuff, but both blare and Father loves it, it brings the fun out of everyone. Soon Blare and father finished the basement, it was around the afternoon and blare headed upstairs to his room to rest a bit on his bed before going back downstairs for lunch. Moon light hopped onto the bed next to blare. Meow she went blare smiled and patted her head softly. "Come I'm down blare! Your mother made tacos!" Father yelled from Down stairs. "Ok! Comin!" Blare said as he got up, then his eye caught onto the corner of his room were the chest thing that Damien gave him. Moonlight when next to it. Blare sighed "after lunch" Blare said to himself as he picked up and carried moonlight before heading downstairs

Father loved when mother cooked Tacos, Blare want sure why he loved it so much. But he thought they were good. Blare sat down at the table in the kitchen were the family was gonna eat at. Moonlight already had a bowl ready for her on the ground next to the door. "How many do you boys want?" Mother said as she was putting the meat in the tortillas, "you know me honey, three with extra salsa!" Father said with emotion. "I'll have the usual, two with lemon" blare said politely. "Got it!" Mother replied as she settled the plates up and gave it to them. "Your food is amazing sweet heart!" Father complimented before he ate. "Yeah I agree with dad, thank you" Blare added on as he ate. "Anytime" mother said sweetly as she made a plate for herself and began to eat as well. "This place is amazing, everyone here is like family" mother said, "even in the shop no one complains and everyone is so polite" She added. Mother was a part time hair stylist and even owned her own shop before they moved, her other job was with Father. "The men at the office work together to get things done, even the manager is a kind person" Father said. Father was a businessman, he work all day at times, but then on weekends he was free as well as mother. "The school is amazing and the other kids are cool, but they did say something about norths and souths-" Blare said as he looked up. "I heard something about that as well, the men said that the north's are like snakes. They manipulate there way in things, they cheat and self-absorbent, there like the slitherin in this town, as we are the griffindor." Father said "the girls said that they can be nice but they are two face and will stab you in the back whenever they chose to" Mother added. "Interesting.." Father replied.

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