Creatures in the dark (Her pov.)

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After that one girl almost saw me, I was starting to walk up the hill back to my cabin. Maybe I should have never gone out this year at all. But she demands me too unless I'll be stuck outside to defend and feed myself for three months. I've been through that three times throughout the years, so if she were to do such things, I know what to do, where to go, and what to get. Walking around without any shoes does often hurt, especially when it's pitch black at night. I do have this weird glow when the full moon shines down. But otherwise I'd have to multitask to look out for both trees and sharp sticks on the ground.

There's no full moon tonight so It was a bit hard looking around for the path to the cabin but it was too dark to see. I eventually just gave up for a moment and sat down, leaning on the tree. It was nice to just sit there, and not care about what your doing. A couple minutes of peace and quiet. A creature came up to me with some kind of box on its hands. With curiosity and interest, I picked I looked at it. The item was quite flat but was made of a type of metal. With one look to explain a question to the creature, it looked at the deep dark woods. 'From him' It said before fleeing away. "Him..?" I asked myself before looking around to see nothing.

Sighing I looked at the magical box and touched one of the buttons on the side of it. Which made it flash colors. I got a bit scared from the sudden light and dropped the box. A quickly picked it in case it was damaged in any sort of way. And I pressed the same button. It had a colors forming a kitten. It was midnight. Next to it was they both again. He was smiling and holding midnight. It seems cute. To have a moment taken in a box to keep. I pressed the cold screen and slid my finger upwards. The colors went blurry and a bit dark. Then the box had words in it. "Please enter a password". What's a password? I decided to press the box and the numbers on it. "7..5..7..3..?" "Incorrect password. Please try again" confused I click a couple more numbers "8..4..6..2..?" "Unlocked." The colors on it changed and it showed more tiny box's with more colors and things. I saw a small box of a yellow follower. I clicked it and it became bigger. Then showed many more boxes of the boy. I clicked on the last one and it got bigger. This box showed the boy once again in a huge room, he was dressed up and there where the other kids also dressed up. It was a bit dark but there was red lights. It looked like they where having fun since of of the dressed up boys where laughing at another boy who was on the ground, the one on the ground seemed to have a non expression face, but on his stomach was a midnight. I slid my finger to the right. The box changed and it showed a picture of midnight. She was laying down by a dusty window. Only focused on her while everything else seemed to be a blur of warm orange light coming from outside the window. She wasn't paying attention to the camera. Sliding my finger a couple time. The box changed and showed him. He was sitting down in a tight space. Two windows on each side of the box. Then packing boxes to the right of him. Midnight was at his lap and he seemed to be in a world of dreams. His cheek softly on the window to the left of him. It was nighttime.

Distracted I let my guard down and heard a yell. I jumped and turned to see the boy. He was behind a tree. Before I knew it. He was right next to me. I spiked to him so that could have the been the reason. We talked. It felt nice. To have a conversation with someone. He wanted my name. But I couldn't give it to him. The last time I've done so. Someone died. And it wasn't my fault, I just wanted to make a friend. But she didn't let me. She hears everything that went in the forest, only if she was asleep, then she'd hear nothing. Right now I knew she had been in the cabin, asleep. So it was safe for me to speak freely. He suggested a nickname. I suggested 'Jane' and he seemed to like it. Jane I am to him now. Then the box, he referred to as a phone, began to make a loud noise and I jumped in fear. He said not to worry.

Then there, I could here it, her pet. I looked at him. Signaled him to be quiet, I had to push him in the bush. Her pet the rush into my area and stopped right in front of me. I hated it, with all my guts, but I couldn't do anything about it. She called it her child, But I knew it was nothing compared to a innocent child. Yet I still never knew it's name. And once I tried to ask for its name. But it pushed me with its boney tail. Leaving a cut and growled. From there I didn't ever asked once again, since after that I knew it wouldn't let me have a conversation with it. It obeys her like a loyal puppy, and she treats it like her first born. But I knew what it always said. It came up to my face. Growled a bit. I knew what it ment. "Time to come home, it's late, past your bed time" I nodded in a form of saying I'll follow you. I looked at the bush. I was sad I didn't have more time to know him. But I knew his name now. Blare.. till next time we meet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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