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Guys, not an update, sorry but i just finished watching ENDGAME


it's just so amazing and beautiful!!

Also, there's the end credit "scene" (its not really a scene or spoiler but beware if you dont want to hear about it)

Is starts

There's a noise that you hear that only true, real marvel fans will know. And I KNEW IT. The first sound I heard I KNEW IT. I am so proud of myself!

-Is done-

Also, please, if anyone wants to talk about it, then message me or something and i will text about it till my fingers go numb.

I finished it half an hour ago and I'm still crying. I ranted about it to my grandma who just let me rant, it was amazing because she just listened. Of course she didn't understand most of it but that's okay. I didn't want to talk about it with my younger sister because she didn't see half of the other movies and barely got the refrences.

Speaking of which! I got all of them. I got every single one. (Unless they went with Captain Marvel because I haven't seen it yet [i know, how dare I, im sorry]).

I just.... landhcoOVfWFBKwodya SJOWJFYSNWKDPCYG

That is all I feel right now.

Anyways, I might just spam random words later on an update that isnt an update. Just so I can get some things out of my system.

Any questions, comments, or concerns, just message me and I'll see if I can respond.

Also, no spoilers or I will block/ban you and delete those messages. If I do I will message you something like: you've been banned
I dunno.

Thank you lovelies!!!!! Love you!!

Ironstrange OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now