[12]: The Battle [2]

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2018 Wakanda
"Hey, you can't use my phrase on him."

Once the border was open. T'Challa, Steve, and Katherine were the first three in the air throwing punches. Steve used his two shields to bash in the faces and bodies of the aliens. Katherine used her baton, the lightning in her baton wasn't like anything of this earth. Since Thor had it specifically made for her on the same planet his hammer was made from, the same lightning that flows through Thor's body is also what flows through her baton.

Steve and Katherine fought side by side, fending off the aliens left and right. Christian and Wanda fought not too far besides them. Katherine was able to rip through a couple, and then she saw Steve with a pile of them on him. "Steve!" She screamed, and in her moment of distractedness, she was knocked over, with aliens piling on her, as she tried to fend them off.

They were severely outnumbered. As many aliens as they killed, it seemed like more were coming through the portal. Katherine was surrounded, as was Steve, Bucky, T'Challa, Christian, and Wanda. There was nothing any of them could do.

Then it happened.

A bright light was coming down through the center of their battlefield, and the next thing Katherine saw was an ax flying through, lightning radiating from it as it ripped through the aliens. It ripped through all the aliens that had the upper hand on her, Steve, Wanda, and Christian. Then she saw who the ax went back to.

Thor was here.

And he had friends. Katherine noticed a raccoon on his shoulder, and a tree-looking thing standing next to him, and Nikita on his other side, but there was seriously no time to think about any of it. She was just really happy to see her friends. Then she heard Banner laughing. "You guys are so screwed now!" He exclaimed.

"Nic," Natasha said as she looked at her sister. Nikita looked over at Natasha and smiled. She was surprised to see she still had her hair short and blonde, but she liked it. Although, she did prefer when Natasha was a redhead, like her.

"It's about time you two showed up... what, got lost in space?" Katherine teased. Thor chuckled as he looked at her.

"Something like that," Thor said. He turned around and started to approach the main barrier. "Bring me, Thanos!" He yelled.

Katherine and Nikita watched as Thor jumped up in the air, lightning radiating from him, turning the sky dark, then as he came back down, he drove his ax into the ground, killing several dozens of the aliens that were around them, and Katherine smirked. She always loved fighting side by side with Thor, because he was such a powerful presence, and to Katherine fighting side by side with Thor, made her feel like she wanted to fight better just to feel like she could fight with him.

Nikita took off her gloves and used her newfound power, shooting off blasts of fire, immediately incinerating all of the aliens that were around her and Natasha. Her sister looked over at her in shock. "How long have you been able to do that?" She asked.

"Not long, believe me, I know it would've been helpful in Budapest," Nikita said which made the girls share a laugh. As an alien rushed at her, Natasha threw her one of her baton's which Nikita struck straight through the alien's abdomen before blasting it with fire to finish it off.

"I'm glad you're not dead, you worried me when you missed your last check-in," Natasha said which made Nikita laugh.

"I know, I missed you too. Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it. We were trapped on a planet called Sakaar." Nikita said as they engaged back into the battle.

Thor stood near Steve and Katherine as he continued to take out aliens with his ax, while she continued to take out aliens with her baton. "Kat!" Thor exclaimed, she ducked down and took an alien out low, while Thor threw his ax into another one before it came back to him, Katherine stood up and looked at Thor with a smile.

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