[33]: Death at a Funeral

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2023 Stark Household
"I love you 3,000."

Katherine was at Tony's house with Pepper, Morgan, Happy, her family, and the rest of the Avengers for his funeral, as they were watching a video recording that Tony made after he figured out how to make the time-traveling work. Katherine had been nonstop crying since the battle. Every time she closed her eyes, she could hear Tony's voice saying, 'I love you,' before he took his last breath.

"Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back... it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back. And something like a normal version of the planet has been restored. If there ever was such a thing. Goodness, what a world. Universe, now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone... let alone to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on, who knew? The epic forces of darkness and light that have come into play. And for better or worse... that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in, but Kat just as you did for me, I know that alongside Pepper, you two will help her figure it out." Tony said.

"I thought I would make this little greeting. In the case of an untimely death, on my part. Not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow... it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig, right? Part of the journey is the end. What am I even tripping for? Everything's going to work out exactly the way it's supposed to. I love you 3,000." Tony spoke before the video ended.

Pepper and Katherine led everyone outside, both of them holding Morgan's hand as they set Tony's first centerpiece on a reef of flowers before sending it out onto the river. Then Katherine stood with her husband, holding his hand. Amaya stood with Peter and his Aunt May, holding Peter's hand. Nikita stood with Thor and Bruce, holding onto him. Thor was overjoyed when Nikita found him after the battle was over.

T'Challa was in the with Shuri and Okoye. All of them standing with their hands in front of themselves. Christian stood in the back with Bucky, Sam, and Wanda, his arms around Wanda, and then Katherine noticed someone in the back, besides Nick Fury randomly popping up, but she noticed someone else and she walked back towards him.

"Harley?" She asked. She hasn't seen him in ten years since she and Tony were in Tennessee. Harley looked up and smiled when he saw Katherine and she wrapped the teenager in a hug. "Oh, it's so good to see you again, you're so grown up." She said as they pulled away.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Katherine," Harley said and she smiled at him.

"Thank you. Tony would've loved to see you, all grown up." She said and Harley smiled at her right as her kids started to walk up to her.

"Hey, mom... we're all gonna head back inside with Aunt Pepper. People are clearing out, but Maya and I wanted to stay with her and Morgan for a little." Christian said and Katherine nodded her head before her eyes lit up.

"Oh guys, wait. I want you two to meet someone." Katherine said before smiling over at Harley. "Harley, these are my kids, Christian and Amaya... and kids, this is Harley. Do you guys remember when I told you I once went to Malibu to help Uncle Tony with his PTSD?" She said and the kids nodded their heads.

"Oh yeah, so you guys met in Malibu?" Amaya asked.

"Tennessee, actually. They found their way out there." Harley said which made Katherine laugh.

"And Harley also played a big part in helping Tony with his PTSD and helping us take down the Mandarin. We definitely wouldn't have been able to do it without him." Katherine said which made both of her kids' smile.

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