[24]: Time Heist [3]

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2013 Asgard
"You trust me?"

Amaya Rogers and Rocket split up. Rocket said he was going to focus on getting the Aether out of Nikita, and Amaya said she was going to try and find Thor, which she did. He was hiding behind a pillar, trying to catch a glimpse of his mother, and Amaya was hiding with him. Frigga came and rounded the corner, as Thor tried to peek out and she appeared on their other side.

"What are you doing?" She asked her son. Thor screamed, which cause Frigga to scream and he moved Amaya behind him. "You're better off leaving the sneaking to your brother. Who's the girl behind you? Did you bring another mortal to Asgard?" Frigga asked.

"No, I wasn't sneaking. I was just going for a walk." Thor said.

"What are you wearing?" Frigga asked.

"I always wear this, it's one of my favorites," Thor said. Underneath the quantum suit, Amaya had on the regular suit that Tony made for her, and she had another band on her wrist that would bring back the quantum suit when they were ready to go.

"What's wrong with your eye?" Frigga asked while further examining her son. Thor took his mother's hand off of his cheek and shook his head.

"Oh, my eye. You remember the, uh, Battle of Harokin... when I got hit in the face... with uh, the broadsword?" Thor asked.

"You're not the Thor I know at all, are you?" Frigga asked.

"Yes I am," Thor said, with a sheepish smile.

"The future hasn't been kind to you, has it?" Frigga asked and then she looked at Amaya. "And I assume you're from the future too, young child?" She asked and Amaya sheepishly stepped up from behind Thor and nodded her head.

"We didn't say we were from the future," Thor said.

"I was raised by witches, boy. I see with more than eyes, you know that." Frigga said.

"Yeah, we're totally from the future," Thor said as he started to cry.

"Yes, you are honey." She said and then she looked at Amaya. "And you look familiar... you look like one of Thor's friends... what was her name, Katherine? Who you brought here just two years ago." Frigga said and Amaya nodded her head.

"Katherine is my mother." She said.

"I really need to talk to you," Thor said to his mom.

"We can talk," Frigga said before pulling her son into a hug, which made Amaya smile to see Thor reunited with his mom. Frigga brought the two of them to her room so that Thor could talk to her. Thor recounted everything that he's been through in the last years, and leaving with what happened to Thanos, and how he felt like an idiot who failed.

Amaya liked Frigga and liked her wisdom. Thor wanted to tell his Mom about her fate that was to come, but she stopped him, right as Rocket ran into the room where they were, and Amaya could see the red, liquid-looking thing inside of what Rocket had, and their mission was complete.

"Hi." Rocket said and Frigga waved at him. "You must be mom. I got the thing. Come on. We gotta move." Rocket said looking at the two of them.

"Oh, I wish we had more time," Thor said.

"No, this was a gift. Now you go and be the man you're meant to be. Tell me one thing though, did you and Nikita make it?" Frigga asked and Thor nodded his head.

"Yeah... we did, but now she's gone... but we're going to bring her back," Thor said and Frigga smiled. "I love you, Mom," Thor said.

"I love you," Frigga responded before wrapping her son in another hug. Seeing this made Amaya realize how much of a bitch she's been to both of her parents in the last five years. It wasn't their fault that Christian and Peter were gone, and she knows that her parents are probably suffering worse than she is about missing Christian. Now all she wanted to do was give them hugs and tell them that she loves them.

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