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to know or not to know: that is the question:

whether 'tis nobler in the mind to see

the joys and blessings of a holy process,

or to stay blind within a sea of light,

and by opposing block it?  to die?  to sleep?

no more?  and by sleep to say we end

the jubilation of a thousand natural graces

that we are heir to, 'tis a separation

devoutly to be spurn'd.  to live!  to wake!

to wake: surely to love: ay, there's the bliss;

for in that wakefulness what dreams may come

when we have shuffled off the ego's spoil,

we must not pause: there's the respect

that makes the happiness of so long life

for who would enjoy the twists and turns of time,

the Creator's right, the angels' messages,

the perks of eternal love, divine law's quick pay,

the graciousness of friends and the boons

the patient merit of the worthy takes,

when he himself might his future make

with a bare wanting!  who would stories share,

to smile and laugh amidst a lovely life,

and that the feeling of something upon breath,

the imagined country to whose warmth

the seeker arrives, enamors the soul

and makes us rather like these tasks we have

than run to others we know not of.

thus consciousness does make sages of us all;

and thus the native hue of resolution

is brightened more-so with the correct set of thought

and enterprises of great pith and moment

with this regard their currents turn on point,

and embody the name of action.

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