
3 0 0

you gallop as an antelope through life

slow down, he says

a dash through yellow light

the tire of my bike blows on stray air

outcast i walk along the lake in solitude

a golden fabric snowflake

particular like me

rests on the stone i choose

curse of abrasiveness

a planet on my shoulders

spontaneous flip to jeremiah 1:1-17

the words are not my own

book piques attention with accept forgiveness

the ex is at my door, we chat, we tense, he leaves,

the crash! my sorry is read, jaw wired shut

blood staining skin and sheets

are you forgetting anything? i blurt unwittingly

to lover wrapped in cloak of ego leaving

orange and angular, a lighter basks in sun

on top the writing table

its rounder orange compliment

hiding inside the nighttime table

two inner numbers same

two outer switched

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