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what is white?

            the whole wad of wavelengths

where would white wander?

            the ways and whereabouts

            of wind whizzing in wanderlust

            through windows and windpipes

            wielding wonderment

            wiping out woe

            wrapping up wounds

            within and without

            wallowing in walkways

            warning against walls to wonderland

with whom will white walk?

            with whomever wishes

            witches and wizards

            wisecracks and wise warriors

            wardens and wallflowers

            wastrels and well-wishers

            the wicked and wholesome

when white wakens

            welcome it

when white whacks, whips, and wrestles

            withstand it


when white withholds

            watch and wait

whereas when white withdraws


            win it with will and wit

why would we want white?

            the weary world whines for it

white is:

·        warm-heartedness over wrath of war

·        well-being over worry

·        welding over wreckage

the willing whirl, warble, and wink with wisdom

this wonderful web is worthwhile weaving

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