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now i have come to own the privilege

of calling this experience my own

my soul, the matchmaker

had booked arrangements

for the bodily abode

where star-crossed lovers

intertwined and bound

as strands inside a genome


at culmination, he

the knight in shining armor

lowered first

sending along the bills

for pesky condo fees:

anxiety and mental disarray

to which the moody me

sharply reacted

“just wait and see,” was told

“but she’ll come next!” responded

living in memories

of the orgasmic first encounter

a partial rising of the past

“don’t dwell in expectation

nor if she comes indulge her”

what was said

“simply observe”

as difficult as it then seemed

the wise advice was heeded

by my dread-struck mind

which tried its hardest

to stay grounded

subsequently all through

the vividly apparent rise

of the meandering seductress


my heart felt like it would then quit

pink, heated energy devoured torso

from hips up to the sickened throat

yet, breathing deep was not allowed

and so i forced this vehicle to stay in lane

despite the shooting, paralyzing pains

along the spine

ignoring angels, saints

spirits, and demons

that had come as visions

vipassana was my escape

sensing the nose

staying inside the brutalized

and battered body

thank the Lord!

for if i strayed

i’d surely lose that wired self

in the crazed land of

dualistic holograms and

Résumé of a MysticWhere stories live. Discover now