chapter 2

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Andy: well that's unexpected

Jack: wait what how do you know that

Me: -_-

Rye: seriously jack

Jack: what

Rye: take a time out

Me: but seriously how are you my neighbors

Mikey: no idea come over

Me: NO. you could be weirdo's well you are you run in MY fields in a monkey suit.

Andy: no Robbie does

Me: whatever I still will not come over.

Brook: why not and why is Jack sitting in a corner?

Rye: did he really take a time out wth

Me: because I don't know you guys and I'm making food

Brook: fair enough can we come over for the food?


Andy: sad

Brook: yeah sad

Jack: wait you can cook please come save me I don't wanna cook the whole time

Me: maybe one day can't anyone else cook like Brook or something

Andy: NO


Mikey: do you want us dead or something

Me: oh come on he can't be that bad right

Jack: no don't encourage him I don't want to die yet

Brook: guys don't be mean but yeah true

Me: okay I will come over tomorrow to make dinner IF you guys stay out OF MY FUCKING FIELDS

Mikey: you are very upset about the fields aren't you

Me: Of course I am, they are my fields

Andy: so you know how we look like but what do you look like?

Me: sends picture

Jack: Hey guys that's the girl that Mikey always talks about

Mikey: JACK

Rye: well he's gonna die, ah no we will need a new person for in the band

Andy: Literally why am I friends with you guys


Me: should I pretend to not have seen that or....

Me: anyoneeee

Me: okay rude.

Your pov

I'm starting to get worried as they haven't responded yet even though it has been 2 hours so I walk out my house and start walking towards their house but stop half way you enjoy the view until that's rudely interrupted. Someone smashes in to me and makes me fall to the ground I try to catch myself but that didn't quite work out. "are you okay" "does it look like I'm okay huh" I try to push myself up but feel an intense pain in my wrist "ah fuck that hurts" I get up but just use one arm and look up at the person who smashed into me. "oh for.... Brooklyn" he gives me a puzzled look but the realizes who I am "y/n! I'm so sorry" I shrug it off "weird question but can one of you bring me to the hospital or something I would do it myself but I don't think I can drive you know". "yeah of course come on let's get you to our house first" he starts holding me as if something happened to my legs, "Brook I can walk it's just my wrist" "oh yeah sorry" he walks with me to their house in an awkward silence. We get inside and I just follow him until I see all the boys standing in what I assume the kitchen "look who I found guys" "found you literally smashed into me" he blushes as all the boys laughed at that "can someone now please take me to the hospital because I'm in a lot of pain" Mikey looks worried and almost runs over "are you okay" I nod and smile at him.

"okay I will take you" says Rye. It still took a while to get in the car and go to the hospital because everyone wanted to come but we just settled on Andy, Mikey and obviously Rye. The car ride was pretty long and the boys where talking about randy so I decide to just text with Jack and Brook.

Me: Are you always this clumsy Brook

Brook: no rarely

Jack: *cough * wall spray paint *cough *


Me: I don't even wanna know

Me: oh we're at the hospital ttyl

Brook: ttyl? Jack?

Jack: no idea but we will talk after!

At the hospital I got told that I broke my wrist which I already suspected, but I got always told that I couldn't cook which would be a very big problem because I live alone. I walk out of the room where they put the cast on and walk to the guys. "we can go back now"

They brought be home, I wanted to ask them if I could stay for dinner but didn't want to be annoying so I didn't ask and just went home and made a simple sandwich.

Mikey: if you ever need any help just text okay that the least we can do after Brook.


Brook: but true

Me: thanks guys I will be okay I will just go to sleep now it was a tiring day

Me good night guys and Mikey x

Jack: OHHHHH night

Andy: night y/n

Rye: sleep well

Brook: have a great time resting your brain.

Mikey: goodnight y/n sleep well xx


Mikey: shut up I will murder you in you sleep


Me: hahaha bye guys till tomorrow!

I loved writing this, I hope you loved reading it.


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