chapter 7

860 27 6

Your pov

Rye: Tea

Andy: Tea?


Andy: Why just why do I love you

Rye because I have that bigggg....

Jack: Tea collection

Me: thanks jack I owe you one for this

Jack: wait what did I do

Brook: oh god and you guys always call me the dumb one..

Andy: because you are Jack is an innocent little bean

Brook: you wouldn't think so if you saw him last night

Me: omg I don't wanna know this stuff guys

Me: but 10 bucks on that jack is top

Rye: nah mate Brook is 100% top

Me: so you wanna bet on 10 bucks?

Rye: Yeah deal

Andy: god why..

Me: Jack, brook clarify please

Brook: well uhm

Jack: so yeah

Me: guys now

Brook: Jack tops

Rye: what no. JUST. FUCKING. NO.

Me: haha take that

Andy: really god why

Jack: to lighten the mood Brook tell them what you told me this morning

Brook: Oh yeah Jack told me that he sometimes gets shy around fans and you wanna know what I said to him


Brook: But you

Jack: I obviously meant the joke you idiot

Brook: what joke

Jack: I will just tell it myself then -_-

Andy: I want to know the other story

Rye: me too

Me: same

Brook: I will tell it later when Jack doesn't know

Me: you know Jack can read this right


Jack: anyway What do you call Rye when he won't do something

Rye: Robbie?

Andy: Oh fuck off Robbie does more then you

Rye: true

Me: idk Jack what do you call him..

Jack: Rye Beauwont

Brook: Ohhhhhhh that thing yeah I remember now

Me: Sometimes I wonder how you guys got famous like wtf

Andy: same

Me: but the Roadies are dope tho

Rye: wait how do you know roadies

Me: I may have a secret fan account.

Andy: Sent me the information and I will dm with some people and just get to know how Roadies are a bit more.

Me: sure but please don't say you wanna tickle anyone that's creepy okay

Andy: yeah okay

I sent Andy the information and get in the car to go see Mikey. After driving for a while I'm almost there I start getting nervous. So I stop and breath and sent Rye a private message for support

Private chat with Rye

Me: help I don't wanna go anymore

Rye: you better get your ass over there or I will steal all your pans

Me: no

Rye: hell yes I will and you know it

Me: okay I will go but only because I want to

Rye: yeah sure good luck

I roll my eyes and start the car and start driving again.

A while later

okay you can do this don't worry about it. I just ring his doorbell and do 2 steps back because you know everyone does that right. A lady that I don't know opens the door "oh hello what are you doing here" "ma'am I've come to see Mikey" "I'm sorry dear but Mikey is on a little break and doesn't feel like seeing fans". She was about to close the door when I hear faint "who's at the door mom" "just a fan love but don't worry she's already leaving" "okay good". This is when I just loose it "oi Michael Patrick Fucking Cobban get your ass outside and kiss me". Mikey almost runs out of the house "y/n" "the one and only" I give him a little bow. I hear his mom laugh and walk inside leaving us together. We just stand there staring at each other "are you going to kiss me or did I come here for nothing because...." I didn't get any further because he pushes his lips against mine and holds my hips. I'm shocked for a second but then wrap my arms around his neck.

He pulls away and just stares at me "what" I whisper "you're so beautiful" I blush and hide my face in his neck. "You know I could get used to this" I mumble a me too. We stand like that for a while until he lets go of me, I whine which makes him laugh "let's get inside and tell my mom that you're not some crazy fan" I nod and grab his hand and follow him inside.

We talk to his mom for a while she's so nice I can see where Mikey got it from. "I'm going to make some dinner for all of us" I want to ask if I can help but also don't want Mikey to feel like I don't wanna talk to him. Mikey nudges me "go help her I know you want to" I smile widely and give him a kiss before walking to the kitchen and helping Jackie. After making and eating dinner we hang around and watch tv with each other.

Around 11 I start to get tired and yawn "get your girlfriend to bed Mikey" he looks embarrassed ''she's not my..." I smirk "maybe because someone didn't ask yet" his mom smiles at me and then says to talk about this upstairs. "so you wanna be my girlfriend" I roll my eyes "no I drove all this way just for a kiss and then that's it.. Of course I wanna be your girlfriend you idiot" He smiles brightly and the kisses me passionately "thank you". We get in bed and then I realize something "I need to do something"

You added Bf Mikey to 5 idiots and a princess

Me: I did it guys

Andy: oh great so he can come back?

Me: No I will leave my boyfriend here

Rye: Boyfriend!!!!

Brook: see I told you Jack she loves him

Jack: yess I'm so happy now

Andy: my ship is going steady now

Me: hey no I'm the only captain here okay

Mikey: yes you are babe

Me: thanks love

Me: but good night guys it was a long day and tomorrow will be too but see yall soon

All the guy say good night to and I put my phone away and cuddle closer to Mikey "Love you and sleep well" he gives me a kiss on my forehead "love you too y/n and sleep well" he holds me close and I fall asleep.

I did it again hope yall liked it


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