chapter 24

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The outfit you wear!!

Your pov.

I woke up feeling a bit sore, I saw that Mikey and Jack were still sleeping so I got out of bed and put some clothing on and walk to Brook and Andy. I knock and Rye opens the door and I just look at him with confusion and he just shrugs, I give all the boys in the room a quick kiss. "so what's the plan today" I ask them, Andy clears his throat "we're going shopping because your clothing is rubbish and we need some killer outfits for the concert" I look at him with a faked hurt look "you don't like my clothing" he rolls his eyes and just nods. I huff and just go with it I mean how bad can it be?


We did get a few outfits though but he did burn my body confidence to the ground. We walk into the room where all the boys where and they just look at me and start laughing "was it that bad" Rye says while laughing "don't even ask you guys knew could you at least warn me" I say looking at them semi pissed "nah this is way funnier" brook says. I drop the bags and let myself fall on a bed. "come on it couldn't have been that bad Andy please explain why our love is feeling this way" Mikey says and he starts rubbing my back "well none of the outfits I let her try one looked good one her she didn't have the right body type" the room falls dead silence "why the hell would you say that" I hear jack say. "because she was to pretty for the clothing" I look up at him in shock "I thought you didn't like how I looked" he frowns and walks over to me and pushes Mikey away to sit down next to me "no I just didn't feel like the clothing made you look even more beautiful then you already are and they didn't compliment your beautiful body type so no bad things okay love" I just nod and lay my head on his lap. The boys and I continued to chill until it was time to get ready for the concert.

I was wearing one of the new outfits Andy made my buy and to be honest I feel amazing in it. "meet and greet time" Brook and Mikey cheer I just roll my eyes and walk with them to the space where the meet and greet will take place, and once again I just sit down on the stage. All of a sudden a big group of girls walk up to me and started asking me questions like 'which one of the boys do you like the most' or 'don't you feel like a slut for dating all of them' I look at the boys with an uncomfortable look on my face and they made their way over to me right away.

"what's going on here girls" Brook says standing next to me almost touching me. "oh no much just having a nice talk with y/n but I would like it much more if I had a talk with you" one of the girls says twirling her hair, it made me want to puke. "no thanks I don't like talking to people that make my girlfriend uncomfortable" and after that security came and let them out which made me very happy.

If you forget that moment I had an amazing meet and greet because all the other Roadies were so sweet and happy to see me. Harper got of stage and that was my que to get on "Hello Roadies are you excited to see the boys" they all start screaming "well maybe I can get them on stage a bit sooner would you like that" they scream again and even louder this time. "let's call them then right" we all start shouting Roadtrip and it didn't take long for them to get on stage "y/n what is all of this" Rye says once all the fans stopped screaming "well the fans wanted to see you and I missed you" I lean into his side and the fans aw. After all of this I started singing and sometimes the boys would jump in and sing a bit with me but most of the time they would just stare at me while I'm singing. And I did the same while they sang.

I'm sleeping in Rye's room right now and we had an amazing idea.

Me: guys where is Rye

Me: guys I'm serious have you guys seen Rye

Mikey: is he not with you

Brook: did we forget him..? we usually don't forget him its most of the times me that you forget

Andy: no we try to get rid of you but you always come back

Brook: but you love meeeeee

Jack: and also I just heard you are Rye doing it so don't try this okay

Me: uhggggggg you guys are no fun

Mikey: hey we are very fun

Andy: guys go to sleep we need to wake up early and I don't want to be on the bus with grumpy assholes

Me: hey

Andy: not you tho love you're an grumpy angel

Me: that's a bit better I guess but love ya'll and sleep well babes

All the boys also said their good nights. The only thing was that I wasn't tired so I looked at Rye and he was also wide awake "Rye do you always obey Andy's orders?" he looks up at me with wide eyes "pffttt no of course not" I smirk "let's go out then I saw this arcade and I mean we are not tired so let's go" he gets op and gets the keys of the room and with then we leave the room, we pass Jack and Mikey their room and they unfortunately open the door when we pass it "where are you two going" jack askes "we could ask you the same and what is he doing here" I say pointing at Brook "well we were planning on sneaking out and going to the arcade so if you don't mind we would like to go now" rye says to the boys and starts pulling mw with him "oh can we please please please join" Brook asks and looks at us with the most adorable puppy eyes " nope sorry" "Rye be nice to your boyfriends and let them come along" he huffs "fine" the other boy cheer and follow us out of the hotel. "Andy will be so mad" Rye mumbles "yes I know right that will be so funny now put a damn smile on the idiotic handsome face of yours" Jack replies and kisses Rye. He lights up a little and smiles.

It was amazing at the arcade we played a lot of games and I saw this table where they had monopoly "can we please please please play?" they shrug and we sit down and because Jack doesn't really like monopoly he decided that me and him will be a team "okay I'm fine with it Jack but in no way is the a democracy, I'm the boss and you just do what I say" he looks at me slightly shocked and then nods.

"HAHAHAH I won" "yeah you have said that for like the 7th time now" Brook says slightly annoyed "whoops sorry I will shut up about me winning monopoly" "oh thanks that's so friendly of you" Mikey says while pulling me into a hug. I look to the side to see Jack and Rye making out, Brook also joins our hug an kisses me. "let's get back to the hotel now okay it's late and Andy will probably be pissed" Rye says. I look on my phone to see that its 4 am "fuck in 30 min we need to be on the bus". Brook looks panicked "if we run we will make it". So we all start running and when we get to the front of the hotel we are met with a very angry looking Andy "Where the fuck where you guys, you know what I got all you stuff just get in the fucking bus and you better start thinking of a good excuse". I climb into the bus with a little help of Brook and we all sit down and I realize that there is an empty seat next to me, I look at the boys kind of pissed and they all just grin at me.

Andy finally gets into the bus and it's dead silence for about 5 minutes "okay where were you guys" the boys all stay silent so I roll my eyes and start talking "well we were not tired and went to the arcade and had an amazing time and with all the stress I have had the past few months I thought it would be fun to do something like this" Andy's eyes soften and he ruffles my hair "okay but next time please tell me, I was worried sick" I smile at him "of course Andy and please don't be mad at the boys it was all my idea" he just looks at them and gives them a soft smile "I'm not mad just disappointed" "that's even worse but I will take it" I give him a kiss and lay my head on his shoulder and the last thing I hear before I fall asleep were the boys saying 'I love you'. And god how much I also love them.

Whoop whoop long chapter hope you like it


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