Chapter 19

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Your pov

I wake up because someone is shaking me. I open my eyes and see jack and Brook standing there "uhg what do you guys want" I say while closing my eyes again. "we are taking you on a date" "which one of you" they laugh "both of us silly" I sit up and smile at them "what makes you guys think I want to go on a date with the two biggest idiots on the planet" Jack raises his eyebrow "we're not Rye and Andy love so you're not going on a date with the two biggest idiots on the planet, you're going on a date with the best guys in the world love" I roll my eyes and get up off Andy's bed "can we go to my house first though because I really want to wear my own clothing today" they nod and walk with me to my house. I go upstairs and change my clothing.

I walk downstairs to see Brook tackling Jack "boys wtf" Brook quickly stands up and so does Jack "oh hey you look good Babe" Brook says and Jack just nods while staring at me.

After Jack stopped staring we went out and because the last time brook drove it was such a disaster we are now walking to the nearest bus stop "where are we going" They don't answer again. I have asked for the what feels like the thousandths time. "guysssssss please" "nope" I huff and cross my arms and sit down on the ground. "y/n come on" I shake my head "nope I want to know where we're going" "Jack you know my back is dead can you carry here "of course my love" he picks me up and starts walking again "not fair" They both laugh at that and we get at the bus stop.

The boys and I get out of the bus and are standing in front of this huge fair, my eyes grow big as I see all look around. I grab Jack and Brooks hand and drag them onto the fair "love calm down we have all day" Brook says while looking at me with his eyes full of love. I see a dance booth thing and I pull both of the boys to there "oh oh please can one of you dance with me" Jack just pushes Brook forward "hey why me you know I also can't dance" "well good luck at least no one will be looking at you while you're dancing with this cutie" Jack says and winks at me while I blush. Brook huffs and then pushes some coins into the coin slide of the machine and the song 'Be together' starts playing. [see vid above to see how they dance]

Jack applauds us and comes over to hug us and gives Brook a sneaky kiss "hey what about me" he looks at me surprised "you want me to kiss you" "yeah duh" he leans down and then gently kisses me. We walk around and at one of the booths I see an adorable teddy bear.

 I guess the boys caught me staring at it "do you want it babe" jack askes "I mean if you can get it then yes" jack just smiles and hands the person in the booth some money and tries to win the teddy bear, he didn't succeed so Brook also tried and...

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 I guess the boys caught me staring at it "do you want it babe" jack askes "I mean if you can get it then yes" jack just smiles and hands the person in the booth some money and tries to win the teddy bear, he didn't succeed so Brook also tried and also failed. "Can I try?" "yes sure but it's very difficult" I nod and after the Jack handed the guy yet again some money, I tried and I got it "that was so easy guys" they both just huff and roll their eyes. They look kind of embarrassed so I think for a second and then hand them the bear "here for you guys" They look at me with big eyes "really? But you wanted it so bad" Brook says "yes I did but you guys deserve it more" they both smother me into a hug "guys I need to breath" they let me go but not before they give me a kiss.

We are walking into the house with a lot of teddy bears and candy "Kids we're home" I scream while walking into the living room "Oh yay I missed you" Mikey says "I missed her more" Andy says "no I love her more because I'm bigger" "hey" Andy says. "yeah indeed you're bigger you need lettuce and help mate" Jack says to Mikey, which makes all of us laugh including Mikey.

I hung out with the boys for a while but then went home to just be on my own for a while.

Jack: y/n I miss you

Me: I was with you all day

Brook: but still me missed you


Rye: wait what

Andy: guys please this is confusing

Mikey: I may have done it

Andy: who is who...

Mikey: Dipshit is Brook, Ugly is Rye, Dumbass is jack, y/n is princess and I'm prince.

Me: awwww I'm not a princess

Mikey: to me you are

Rye: *to us

Mikey: to me

Brook: see Andy I told you I didn't do it. So apologize to me for storming into my room and saying you were going to kill me for doing this.

Andy: I will not

Me: Andy babe say sorry

Andy: okay sorry brook.

Jack: she's the Andy whisperer.

Rye: yeah not even I can do that

Rye: where did Brook and fovvs go

Rye: Okay never mind I heard them

Jack: you know to never ask that in this house

Me: are they banging

Me: wait who's top and bottom between them because they are both such a bottoms

Mikey: Why do you wanna know this.

Me: just because

Jack: Brook is bottom Andy top

Me: okay thanks I needed that for my fanfic

Mikey: wtf...

Me: what I'm still a roadie

Rye: yes and she makes fanfics they are good


Rye: that's my secret

Mikey: send them to me rye?

Jack: also to me please

Me: okay I can't handle this I'm going to sleep night babies

Jack: Night love

Mikey: night my princess

Rye: good night babe

Me: tell brook and Andy good night for me please when they are done

Andy: done with what

Brook: yeah with what

Me: that Andy fucked you Brook

Andy: how does she know

Me: night guys xx

And with that I turned my phone off and went to sleep not a peaceful sleep no a sleep filled with nightmare that sadly will turn into reality very soon.

Cliffhanger whoop whoop I know you hate it and you know I'm talking to you.


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