chapter 11

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Your pov

The guys liked the surprise but had to go after a while because they had to film a music video so right now I'm on the couch checking Instagram. I see a picture of me with the boys while standing by the bouncy castle with Mikey's arm around my shoulder, I look at the caption and reactions. They were all saying stuff like who's that girl or what is that bitch doing with our boys, but also people who are saying that they hate me. I don't get it they don't even know me but they already hate me, what did I do wrong.

Private chat with Mikey

Mikey: hey babe we're back and the boys wanted to know if you wanna go to Nando's

Me: nope sorry homework

Mikey: uhm okay but I thought your school didn't do homework?

I didn't answer because I couldn't come up with a good excuse. I just don't want the boys to get hurt because of me. I won't let that happen.

Mikey's pov

"she can't come guys she has some homework to do or something" Andy looks at me with a troubled look but he doesn't say anything so I just choose not to question it. We go to Nando's and I really miss having y/n there.

We got back home and me and Brook are doing a live seeing we haven't done any in while and we just love interacting with our fans. We are asking some questions and I see that Y/n joins the live and I can't help be light up but that's when I see a question that makes me frown 'who was the girl you were holding while being at a bouncy castle" I look at Brook and then just say "oh that was no one just a friend of us so nothing special" I hated saying that but I kept on being happy and doing stupid stuff with Brook during the live.

The live went on for quite a while and I forgot about the answer I gave the fan when she asked about y/n and just went on with everything.

Private chat with babe

Babe: just a friend

Me: what do you mean

Babe: am I just a friend to you because you said that

Me: what no I love you

Babe: well I love you too but it hurt me when you called me just a friend

Me: I'm sorry okay don't be a bitch about this

Babe: yeah sorry

I huff and don't even bother to react. Rye and Brook went out for a run together and Jack is laying on the couch and I'm in the kitchen with Andy. "Fovvs why are girls so stupid sometimes" he looks up at me "why this question did something happen between you and y/n" "yeah she overreacted about me calling her just a friend in the live because apparently someone took a picture of me holding y/n" Andy looks kind of mad "I can understand why she's upset it's a mean thing to say you could at least have ignored it would have been less hurtful" I roll my eyes and mumble a whatever. I go to sit down next to Jack but then he says "you are in the wrong here mate go talk to her" "nope" and I just get up and go to my room.

Your pov

I was very upset after what Mikey said via text but I didn't want to cry because it's not worth it so I went on a run. I put some sport leggings and a cropped sweater on and some sports shoes and go out. I listen to music while running and at some point some sad song comes up and then it gets to me a tear runs down my cheek, I don't pay any attention to it I just focus on running.

I pass two weirdos who are running rather slowly but I didn't calculate it that well because I hit one of them with my shoulder so I turn around to say sorry "oh hey guys I'm sorry" I run away before they can say anything because I didn't want them asking any questions about why I was crying. I run home and take a bath to relax a bit.

Mikey's pov

I was just chilling in my room when Brook and Rye stormed into my room "Andy told us what you didn't and we saw y/n crying you asshole" I look up shocked "crying?" they both nod and tell what happened, I start thinking about I may have done it slightly wrong.

I went over to her house but she didn't answer the door so I thought I would just text her knowing she hates calling.

Private chat with Babe

Me: Babe I'm sorry

Me: what I did was very wrong

Me: babe please

Me: babe I love you

Babe: sorry but I can't believe you right now

Me: how can I make it better

Babe: that's for you to figure out

I have been thinking about what I should do, I have an idea but it could go two way but I want to take a risk for this. So I open Instagram select a selfie of me and y/n and put in the caption 'not just a friend but my best friend and my amazing girlfriend' I hesitate for a moment but then click post so there is no way back now.

I go downstairs and see Andy standing there with a big grin on his face "I'm guessing you saw the post" "oh yes I did and I'm proud of you mate but Blair is quite pissed" I shrug "I don't care what he thinks I can't keep hiding y/n" Andy gives me a hug and tells me that I need to go to y/n and I agree.

I rung the bell and a tired looking y/n opens the door "Oh hey Mikey come in" I go in and sit on the couch "you should look on Instagram babe" she gives me a puzzled look but does anyway. She at her phone shocked and then at me, she drops her phone ad tackles me into a hug "Omg thank you this mean the world to me" I smirk "oh babe you're my world" "okay you ruined the moment you idiot" she laughs and gives me a kiss. "just don't say stuff like that ever again okay, because then there will be a problem" "oh and what are you planning on doing then" she smirks "you don't want to know believe me". We talked a bit more and then she went with me to see the boys and they were very happy that they could make stories with y/n on it now and I'm just happy that I can go out with her and kiss her and hold her.

That's the chapter hope you liked it, it was a bit drama


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