chapter 15

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Your pov

Message from unknown

Unknown: so explain this

Unknown: sent picture

Me: who the fuck are you

Unknown: you don't need to know that

Me: well you don't need to know what we are doing there

Unknown: you fucking bitch stealing my future husband

Me: well I mean I don't even think you will have future

Unknown: you dirty bitch

You just blocked unknown

Me: guys this is very scary

Me: sent a screenshot

Rye: Okay wait that's weird

Brook: that's so damn scary wtf

Andy: okay I feel watched in my own house right now.

Mikey: who is that crazy person I will kill them

Jack: okay guys I don't feel save in this house right now.

Me: you guys could stay over at my house if you want I have a lot of matrasses and pillows?

Jack: oh oh oh may we Andy

Brook: Yes please Andy

Mikey: Pleaseeeeee

Rye: answer the kids babe

Andy: Yeah okay we will sleep over at y/n's place

Jack: omg yay

Me: idiots

Andy: we don't use language like that in this groups chat

Andy: Shit I just bit my tongue

Me: I give up on all of you

Mikey: we will be over in like 30 minutes

Me: okay I will get my room ready I guess

Rye: good luck

I went upstairs to lay all the matrasses down so the whole floor was like one giant matrass, I also throw some pillows and blankets down so it will be very comfy.

I hear my front door open and I frown because I'm the only one with keys, I hear footsteps go up my stair so I grab a pan that's in my room no idea why though. The door opens and the boys walk in just as I'm about to attack "guys wtf you gave me an heart attack and how did you even get the keys of my house" "I may have gotten yours copied" Rye says while looking down at his feet. I roll my eyes and then hug him close "are you mad" he whispers in my ear, "I could never be mad at any of you" I kiss his cheek and then go to Andy to hug him he holds me close and ruffles my hair. After that it was Jack and Brooks turn I run over to them and jump in their arms they laugh and both kiss my cheek. I look at Mikey who is smiling brightly, I put my hand on his cheek and pull him closer and kiss him softly and whisper "hey babe" "you seem happy to see all of us" "I am, why wouldn't I be happy to see my best and only friends" they smile and give me a group hug.

After talking for a while we are all laying down cuddled up together "so y/n tell us about your family, because you never really told us anything about that". I close my eyes for a second and take a shaky breath "my dad died when I was 10 and two years later my mom remarried some weird guy that ended up being a drug dealer but my mom loved him and didn't want a divorce and when I was 16 my mom died of a stroke and I started working in a supermarket and my stepdad moved out but he still sends me money for the house and food, even though I don't want it I just need it you know". It's silent for a while but then Andy starts "I understand you're still young and it's normal that you will need that money and I'm very sorry about your mom and dad" he pulls me closer so my head is against his chest and I start sobbing softly, I feel multiple hands rub my back and someone playing with my hair. I pull my head out of Andy his chest "why are you guys so protective over me" they don't say anything for a while and then I hear them all say "because you mean the world to us and we love you" my heart flutters and hear Rye whisper to Andy "may I cuddle her now" "hey love I'm going to move away now but Rye is going to cuddle you now and so is Mikey" I nod and he moves away and in his place a hander larger chest lays down next to me "hey y/n is this alright" "yes perfect thank you" and with Mikey spooning me and Rye holding me, I fell asleep. This is the best way ever to fall asleep

Plot twist y'all do you like it tho????


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